Saturday, July 26, 2008

Moving To Fetch - Last Entry On Blogspot

Saturday: I am moving to Fetch for my blog, my first entry began yesterday, after much thought (and nagging). It's more convenient for me, and perhaps I might benefit more as a runner, when other runners leave comments for me. So it is farewell to blogspot, for my running blog anyway, and if anyone wishes to follow my progress, my blog can be seen at; my username is McNewbie and the blog is accessible to all those registered with the site. I've quite enjoyed this place, really, easy to use and I quite liked personalising the layout of the blog. But I am on fetch so much anyway, so goodbye,, I shall pop back to reminisce over old posts. Onwards and upwards with Fetch :o)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

2 Feet Good...

Thursday: A very warm summer's day, the sun was blazing hot; not my choice of running weather. I kept putting off my run, hoping dark clouds would gather at some point and wash it all away, the damn heat. But the sun was stubborn, glaring down on Manchester for most of the day. It approached 6pm and I finally left the house to run, wearing my Fetch t shirt due to the heat, and having drank lots of water beforehand in preparation. I had a bag of old bread in hand, having promised the mil for days that I would feed the ducks with it. This was not a very good idea, running with a bag of bread; I managed to get rid of the bread after 11mins, throwing it whilst running (no idea if there were ducks around, was too busy avoiding running into people while throwing old bread over railings). Maybe due to the way I began, I never really got into a good rhythm today, it was a real struggle . I was very hot but it was the heaviness that was more of a pain; the biggest problem was the right foot. It ached from the start, quite strongly, which surprised me, since it was okay yesterday and before the run. The ache became pain, and got worse, making it a pretty awful run, quite horrible at times. I ended up cutting the run short because it hurt too much to carry on, quite close to tears, partly due to the pain, partly due to feeling disappointed with myself :o( I ended up limping home, no walk/run home today, just a slow limp, it hurt too much to walk normally. It was easier to move along with the foot bent, curled, so that all my weight bore down on the right side of the foot. I'm really not happy about this, I have a 10mile race in less than a week and a half, and I'm worried about my foot. At least I have a doctor's appointment booked for tomorrow, I really need to get this checked out for my peace of mind. I did 2.84miles in 29mins 24secs today, I recall ending the run thinking I had gone over 30mins, but my eyes were a little blurred by then, perhaps. I really hope the doctor can give me something for the foot, resting a lot isn't a good option for me right now, not with a 10mile race coming up, and so much training to do for the half marathon. 13.1 miles is an awful lot, I've never run more than 6.2 miles in one go, never gone above 66 odd minutes of continuous running, an injury would be devastating right now, I have so much training to do. Feeling really quite worried about the foot, it aches strongly and feels very sensitive to the touch. Have I overdone things? Good gosh, that sounds laughable to me, I'm not a very fast or competitive runner. During today's run, as I was struggling along and feeling like a big damn heifer, gritting my teeth over the aching right foot, two runners came from the opposite direction. They looked so happy and composed in their running, and like 'real runners'; the awfulness just deepened. My injured runner friend was recalling the other day how, when reaching the peak of running fitness, the skin changes and feels all soft and amazing; I instantly checked my skin, nope, nowhere near any peak. Runners world's magazine discussed how reaching the peak of fitness can take years, something I can take a little solace in, I suppose. I have noticed I have been really hungry the last couple of days (adding to me feeling so heavy? I dare not check the weight scales right now). And chocolate, good gosh, really craving chocolate, and eating lots of sugary snacks, perhaps my sugar levels are funny right now. But it's the foot that is worrying me, I do hope I haven't made it worse, whatever it is, plantar fasciitis or whatever it could be. Definitely making the appointment tomorrow, just nervous that I might get told to rest the foot (silent prayers for the damn foot).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rest And Appreciation

Wednesday: Rest day (finally). Great trainer wants me training 5 days a week, feels strange not to be resting every other day, or after two days. Today was spent busy with family commitments. The right foot didn't ache so much today, thankfully, but it's still a pain. I suppose it's best to stick to the doctor's appointment on Friday, for reassurance. I am considering moving my blog to fetch, I've known about their blog facility for a while, but having begun on blogger, I thought it too much hassle to move; however, since I am on fetch daily anyway, it really does make sense to have my blog there. I've enquired about moving all my blog entries to fetch. Good news from my injured friend, walking and cycling miles and miles, making really good progress, and has an op next Friday. All being very well, then my friend plans to make the Glasgow Half :o) Having watched a runner go through the trials and tribulations of injury, it's been a constant reminder that I must appreciate my running, no matter how inadequate it might feel at times. I really hope the right foot's aching isn't a precursor to a real injury; as much as I find running very difficult at times and I question why I even bother, I would hate to be without it. I didn't expect to love running as much as I do :o)

Head, Heart, Mind, Body

Tuesday: I wasn't pleased to get a text to run today - 4 days in a row?? As much as I love running, this programme is pushing me to my limits! I was fairly sure I wouldn't have time to run today, nor did I have much desire to, but after a chat with my personal trainer, I change my mind. Also, there was a great deal on my mind, and I was desperate to get out of the house. At a point where I was about to explode, I quickly decided to get out for a run, leaving without a warm-up or a proper meal or drink. All of this definitely affected my performance; I spent the first 10mins on the phone, as I ran, which helped the time go quickly. My pace was steady but then it got a lot harder and I wasn't in control for most of the run. To make things worse, my right foot ached very strongly throughout. I had made a doctor's appointment for Friday earlier in the day, since I woke up in a state verging on pain, which can't be normal. I hoped the ache/pain would go away but I felt it keenly today. This was the main reason for cutting short my run, doing 22mins instead of the advised 25mins, covering 2.14miles; I was worried about injury, about worsening something that wasn't a big problem right now. Post-run, I felt fine, I was able to walk/run home. At least I got a run in today, it wasn't the most satisfying, for many reasons, but it was better than nothing. I headed home after the run, quite upset, a lot on my mind, I had rather hoped a run would help more than it did. But it isn't a miracle cure for everything, of course. Tomorrow is a rest day, not sure if I will rest, if I want to rest; got to bear in mind that as much as I might need a run emotionally, I need to make sure I am sensible and let my head rule over my heart when it comes to training.

Lone Runner Plus One

Monday: The right foot was a pain this morning, aching strongly. I didn't expect to get out for a run, I was busy all day with the interview panel shortlisting. But one always holds out hope. The meeting ended early, allowing me some quiet time for contemplation, which is not always possible at home these days. Later, I realised that 'family stuff' would be an obstacle and a half in the way of running, and not only was I supposed to run, but I very much felt like I needed it. Putting morals aside and adopting cunning that I usually look down on, I persuaded the other half to join me for a run, lying I was keen on him running with me, appealing to his ego (through gritted teeth). It (surprisngly) worked, and as uneasy as I was to behave like this, I silenced the little voice in my head and hurried through a few stretches before heading out. The only way I was going to get a run this evening was by taking the other half with me, so I decided it was worth it for the sake of a run. He was short for time (another reason that he decided to come with me instead of going to the gym) so I went through an easy-to-remember route with him, expecting our paces to be very different. We set off fine, I had music playing on the mobile's loudspeaker and the pace was a little faster than I usually did, but doable. It was a cloudy evening with cool winds, good running weather. I was a little underprepared for today's run but I just kept a steady pace, the target was 30mins. Around 10mins, the other half was gulping his drinks bottle and asking when we would be turning round, I gestured to a not too far lamp post. He stopped to walk at 12mins, and I carried on, and rightly or wrongly, I was grinning and boosted by this! He didn't see my face, thankfully, I was really bouncing to know I had been able to carry on for longer than him, he who prides himself on being very fit (and definitely is much more so than me). I kept going to the assigned lamp post, then turned back, catching up with him, at which point he began to run too (petty, but then I can't take any higher moral ground). He walked/ran the rest of the route, I kept at my own pace. Today felt quite tough in bits, feeling tired from yesterday's race, the legs were pushed hard. But I felt a lot stronger than I expected for a post-race run, and post-run, I felt very good, exhilirated further by doing so well in comparison to the other half (hush, my ego!). I covered 2.98miles in 29mins 58secs. I need to up my mileages but I am pretty much following the programme. I can feel my stamina is really building up for the half marathon, feeling stronger and positive about it.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Children's Aid 10km Fun Run

Sunday: I awoke to a warm and sunny day, with cool winds. I thought myself fairly organised but I didn't count on the mil factor; porridge-d up, bag packed with snacks and drinks, I left late, with the mil calling out something about my insides falling out if I ran too hard (nice image). One can ascertain from her words that she does not and will never condone my running. However, with the other half at work, I was just glad that she was here (a rare moment to feel that way), as without her to watch the kids, I could not have made my 6th race. So off I went, or rather, panicking I went, half sprinting to the park, eye on the watch, desperate to make it in time. I was a relieved little bunny to make it to the registration point, panting already. The turnout was lower than I expected, maybe 100 runners for the 10km (there had been a 2km at 11am, perhaps that had a higher turnout). I paid my £10 entry fee happily, my contribution to charity and reducing the selfishness of it all ;o) I was pleased to see they organised a mass warm-up, we even salsa-ed to get us going (hilarious!) and right up to the starting gun, I was cheered on by supportive texts from my injured friend :o) There was a lovely atmosphere, that's what I like about fun runs, people laughing, the buzz of people being there for the fun of it. Usually, I start around the back but this time, partly encouraged by my friend, I thought it best to start nearer the front, since, surely, most folk were going to be walk/run-ing and there would be many folk slower than me? Well, that was a silly presumption... I set off and was immediately overtaken by lots of runners, whooshing past, which really surprised me. But I wasn't bothered by it, perhaps used to it from the few club races I have done, so kept going at my own pace. We began slightly uphill, then a nice downhill slope, moving onto flatter ground for a bit. As I reached the 1km, I was rather dismayed to realise the course would be very hilly, these were park areas I avoided due to their undulations! At that point, a runner caught up with me and stayed with me till around the 7km mark. Caroline was a new runner like me and I actually enjoyed having someone to run with. We encouraged the other to push ahead if necessary, but truth be told, that was the pace that suited us. Talking (something like it, while panting and puffing) was a great help to keep the mind off the tough undulations and to help the time fly. At the 5km mark, I felt strong and well, grabbing a bottle of water being handed out, trying to smile for some guy taking race photos (goodness knows how red and sweaty I was by then). At 7km, Caroline had to walk, and I carried on alone. It was, despite being annoyingly tough in areas, a very scenic route, parts of the park I had never seen before. I kept reminding myself to stay at a steady pace, to last the 10km without walking, which was so tempting when the sun was in my face and the uphill slopes were hellish. Thankfully, there was a nice downhill, before the uphill before the finishing line. I knew this wouldn't be a PB after the 9km mark, I was giving it all I had left in me, but I wasn't going to beat 66mins 15secs; I knew I could finish the race without stopping, though, and crossing the finishing line at 66mins 57secs, I felt exhilirated :o) A lovely shiny medal and a goody bag with snacks, oh yes, this is what I run for, really ;o) I congratulated Caroline as she crossed the finish minutes after me, shaving at least 7mins off her last 10km, the joy on her face and others was indescribable. We plan to keep in touch, it is lovely to meet runners who run for similar reasons and are at a similar pace. For once, I got my picture taken at the finish line (though it is rather awful, I may never do that again!). I got some balloons and teddies for the kids before I headed home, feeling enormously pleased with myself :o) Later, I celebrated as usual with my post-race drink of choice (Irn Bru). The right leg felt very stiff and achey as the evening wore on, the right foot ached a little too, but it was mainly the leg that ached strongly. The post-race analysis with my friend was a joy, my 6th race, gosh, I cannot believe I have done that many within 7 months of starting to run. And I ran it non-stop, wahey! Feeling really very proud about that, I have had a very up-and-down time with training recently, and today just made it all so worthwhile. I feel really positive about the half marathon, I really want to do it and give it my all. Looking ahead with a big grin on my face :o)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pre-Race Day And Up For It

Saturday: Great trainer wanted me out today for a 30min run, which I couldn't make due to family commitments. I didn't mind too much, though, I was happy to make the legs 'starve' a bit for tomorrow's race. My friend enjoys dismissing a 10km run as small and easy; even though this is my 4th 10km race, it still feels like a huge mountain to climb. No run today so the mind thought about tomorrow, I watched it rain today and silently prayed for rain for my race. The plan is for the mil to watch the kids while I race (other half at work), and she considered coming along to the race ('to say I told you so if you collapse') but she decided the housework was urgent (bless her). Her concern is deeply touching but equally as deeply unnecessary. My main aim is to run the race non-stop, to do a PB would of course be fantastic, but thinking of the bigger picture, that being the half marathon, speed isn't as important as endurance. If I cannot run 6.2 miles non stop right now, then the half marathon will be almost impossible. But my sore throat aside, I am feeling fit and strong, and ready to take on the challenge. Running kit washed and dried, ready for tomorrow; feeling nervous, but not too much, quite excited too, racing gets my adrenaline pumping, and to think there was a time I was killing myself with nerves (a mental slap for me). It's a fun run, I remind myself, got to have fun :o)

Looking To Sunday's Race

Friday: The throat was better today, still achey but I had woken up hoarse yesterday, barely able to speak, and there was a real improvement today. After waving off the relatives, I got out for a run late, around 8pm. My first run in 4 days, I was almost nervous, but as soon as I started to walk, I was glad to be out. The legs felt hungry to run, I really enjoyed stretching them this evening. I kept the run fairly controlled and focused, the weather was cool, no sun, and I felt quite strong. The target was 30mins but I felt I could have kept running, the legs felt that strong, and the lungs seemed able to cope. I seriously thought about just going on and on, stopping till only when it got too difficult to carry on. But my sensible head kept telling me to be careful in not overdoing things, since I plan to do a 10km race on Sunday. Otherwise, I would have been pushing for 40 or 50mins. The run ended on a downhill slope, bucketing down, felt like pure heaven :o) I ran for 32mins 59secs, covering 3.07miles. Later, the right foot ached somewhat but my focus is on Sunday. I had known about the Children's Aid 10km Fun Run for weeks but didn't think about it much, till today; I rang up the organisers for a chat about it, and I made up my mind to do it, a race every month if I can. Also, great trainer wants me to do a 60min run on Sunday, and I have never done a 10km in less than 66mins, so the race covers my training time fine. I am quite excited about it, I am definitely a little addicted to races now, and oh yes, there is a guarantee of a medal this time, so that little bit more to look forward to! But even better is that the money raised goes to local charities and I want my running to mean something to others, as well as me. If it makes a difference to those in need, then there is a real and deeper purpose to my running.

Big Day; Not So Big Newbie

Thursday: Despite my best attempts, no running again today - an abnormally long gap for me now. The graduation took precedence, as it should, and it was an enjoyable family affair, the usual mix of near-tragedy and ridiculous comedy. The right foot feels a lot better, perhaps the rest has done it some real good. I truly dislike long gaps in running but when they do happen, I remind myself I am still training as the resting counts. It was rather lovely today to see and hear the running has paid off in weight-loss terms; my mother, usually scolding me (and rightly so) over my excessive weight, was extremely proud that I had lost weight and scrubbed up okay on an important familt occasion :o) Everyone commented how good running was for me, except the mil, who though is pleased I have lost weight, refuses to back my running in any shape or form. I'm pleased too, I feel fitter and I like how I look more, hope it carries on this way, more weight loss and more feel-good endorphins from my running :o)

Missed Running

Wednesday: More relatives arrived today, wanted ones this time, so smiles all round. However, got caught up with the mil's housecleaning frenzy and was unable to get away for a run. Though, on my older brother's arrival, I managed to talk him into arranging a time we could both go for a run. That fell through, and with hindsight, I should have just left him and gone (my hostess skills be damned!). It was very disappointing, I was so looking forward to a run today, but it was nice to see my brothers and catch up with them. Try again tomorrow, though that is even harder - the other half is graduating, and sneaking off for a run seems rather selfish, really. However, my eyes will be peeled for a 'time gap', as always ;o)


Tuesday: Though great trainer wanted me to run today, I was too busy with family commitments, so took today as a rest day, for the thoat and the right foot. The voice is becoming increasingly croaky and hoarse, I feel a little run-down with it, but it's just the throat, and the nose too, very blocked. Hope to be back out tomorrow, as the unwanted guests left today, much to my joy and pleasure :o)

No Rest For The Unwell

Monday: Last week was the first week I had stuck to the training programme 100% :o) Today's run was another unexpected one, I thought I wouldn't have time, but I snuck it in, though later, I had a bunch of family dismayed with my timekeeping ;o) Running feels like a break for freedom at the moment, it means a lot to have that time away. I wasn't feeling 100%, due to the nose and throat problems, and ran less than the 30min target. I did 25 mins 54secs, covering 2.8miles, and it was a real struggle, keeping the breathing right. I was still quite pleased to have dobe at least 25mins, feeling how I did, sometimes the running helps me feel better anyway. Later in the evening, I was surprised to discover great trainer wanted me to train again tomorrow, 4 days of running on the trot?? What happened to resting?? But I know this is where the training steps up a gear, it is getting more intense, and necessarily so - 13 odd miles is no joke, it has to be taken seriously. I just wish I felt better, these colds and infections are as bad as injuries, but I have no scars to show for them, so they don't feel as 'major'. Just as irritating, though, if not more.

Darkness and Light

Sunday: A busy day with family, as the mil arrived, and I was not expecting to be able to run. However, I tried my luck during a quiet time, and jumped at the opportunity when it arose. Obsessive about running? Moi? ;o) I was so very keen to run, unwanted relatives were due to arrive later, so this was my chance to work out all the anger/frustration in me, leaving only a calm and collected woman to face 'the darkness'. One problem - I awoke today feeling like the tonsil infection of some weeks ago was coming back. My throat ached, I felt incredibly lethargic and I wasn't 'with it'. Lots of painkillers and fluids kept me going and got me feeling near normal fast. I got out to run around 8pm, very late for me, but it was still very light outside. I kept a very slow pace, resisting the urge to go very fast; the nose was sniffly and the throat ached, which made the tough bits even tougher. Great trainer wanted 50mins today and keeping the pace slow was key to making me hit that target. This has been the first week since I started the half marathon programme, that I have stuck 100% to what great trainer instructed, which has pleased me hugely. In 50mins 10 secs, I covered 4.85miles. Post-run, I felt good and strong, but later, I was back to feeling rather lethargic and down, from the sniffly nose and aching throat. But running for 50mins non stop had me smiling for the rest of the evening; even in the darkness, one can find a ray of light, peeping through :o)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pride And War

Saturday: Started the day off with porridge again, it's not so bad with honey, verging on enjoyable (gasp!). Can't help but laugh at myself during these moments, it seems so ironic; I used to happily scoff chocolate doughnuts for breakfast years ago, and now look at me, happily eating porridge, and without anyone force-feeding me - I'm so proud of me (hehe). Cold and windy today, missed the rain unfortunately, which seems to be happening a lot to me lately. Instead of stretching, I opted for a nice warm-up walk, whilst on the phone, then began a nice slow run, whilst texting. The texting actually helped me, it kept me at a slower speed which I need for my endurance levels. At around 15mins, a stich kicked in, and stiches have been happening a lot lately, annoyingly. But I did the usual thing of applying pressure where it was and leaning towards the opposite side, which helped it to subside eventually. The run flew by, due to my preoccupation with texting, no doubt; I ended the run feeling great, I could have run a lot longer, and it felt fantastic to end like that. I ran for 31mins, covering 2.81miles. The right foot continued to ache later but I am not too concerned about it now, not sure why, I just think it is an ache and that's it. I recall my right calf being a big pain, and now that is a lot better with time. I expect the same with this ache, too, not quite a 'war wound', but something to remind me of the 'toil' of running, which I don't mind, as long as it doesn't get worse, of course ;o)


Friday: A rest day, very welcomed by an aching right foot. However, still on my feet for much of today, as the mil arrives on Sunday, followed by other relatives, so a lot to do. I wonder how much running I will be able to fit in when my family commitments increase, I dislike the uncertainty. I am so used to knowing how my days will pan out, and being in control, it is quite stress-inducing to be losing that control. Not that I am a control freak, gosh no, I'm fairly relaxed, I think, it's natural to be a little apprehensive over a major change to routine. Running has become an important part of my life, and I don't plan on giving that up. At the same time, I am going to have to be patient and learn the art of compromise, a valuable life lesson for us all.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stress And Focus

Thursday: The plan had been to begin my free gym trial from today but my friend couldn't make it due to her son's school sports' day. I decided not to go either since I know this coming week will be difficult running-wise. The free trial voucher has been put away for now; it will be much easier to run in the local park than to go to the gym at the moment. I had porridge for breakfast, getting used to it, not so bad with honey and reading Runner's World to take the mind off it not tasting like Crunchy Nut ;o) Drank some Lucozade too to pep me up; like yesterday, I did some stretching/dancing along to music in the house instead of a warm-up walk. I feel the urge to run as soon as I get out of the house, and I think making stretching a part of my routine is a good thing, especially for races, it's easier to stretch before a run. The right knee and calf felt odd, so I applied the calf gel (first time in a while). Again, today's run felt good, strong, doable :o) Two problems, though, a nagging, undulating stich throughout the run and the right heel aching more. But I ran fine, the target was 25mins, and I did 26mins 39secs, covering 2.63miles. It was sunny with cool winds when I ran, again missing the rain. I was pleased to feel good post-run, and walked home with some short sprints. Later in the evening, the right foot ached very strongly. I had a doctor's appointment I couldn't make, so will ring up for another one next week. It usually aches when I walk, but tonight it was hurting without any pressure on it. A good thing, then, that tomorrow is a rest day, hopefully the ache will die down before the next training run. Mentally, I am feeling so ready for the Half Marathon, perhaps wanting to channel my aggression over family issues, into my running. A dear friend successfully helped me de-stress; some aggression is a good thing, some stress too, but to a point. The coming few months may be quite stressful, in the unwanted and negative sense; this race is something for me to focus on, something to look forward to. When things get bad, and indeed they will when certain family gather, I have my running to keep me sane, and also, specially composed music to keep me smiling :o)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Stronger, Lighter

Wednesday: Fetch t shirt on again, the weather was cool but with sunny intervals. I had both the hat and shades on today, the brightness can be a bit much when running. Talking of which, I really ought to make more of an effort into buying 'proper' sunglasses. I spent all evening recently looking at sunglasses online but gave up after a while, the problem is finding a pair that will suit me, and buying online, it's strange not being able to try them on first for comfort. But that is a priority for next week, once things settled down at home. The mil is arriving on Sunday, there is much to be done before then, and study and running are going to need a lot of careful planning. Today's run felt good, I am definitely feeling stronger these days. At one point, my legs were running on 'automatic', and I haven't experienced that feeling for a long time, it felt so good! Since things were going so well, I decided to push myself harder, and tackle some slopes, undulating bits I haven't done for a while. And pushed me it did, that had me gasping desperately for air, but at least I was working hard, as I should. Throughout the run, the right foot ache was more noticeable, coming and going, but it wasn't strong enough to cause me problems. The target was 30mins, and I did 30mins 34secs, covering 3.12miles. The post-run recovery state was a lot faster and better, I was easily able to do some short sprints home in between the walking. However, I kept getting a stich-like pain in my right side when I ran, as has happened a few times. But I'm pretty happy with today, on target with the programme and most importantly, I feel strong and able to run. Extra bit of good news for me, weighed myself and discovered I have lost 2 stones since I took up running in January :o) Very pleased with this and hope the weight continues to fall off, still a lot to lose, but I'm glad I am seeing and feeling the results :o)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Missed Run And Anonymous Cheer

Tuesday: Due to the interview panel meeting taking place all day, I meant to be up at the crack of dawn for a run (again). I didn't run (again). My son's potty training issues had me busy and by the time everything was sorted, it was time for the school run. Perhaps it was just as well, giving the right foot extra rest. I didn't feel the ache much today, wearing heels all day, so the pressure was off the right heel. I still wanted to run, though :o( When dark clouds gather and it rains, I have this urge to run, but it shall have to be satisfied tomorrow morning now. I did have a good day, the interview panel duties were intensive and thoroughly enjoyable. However, lots of tea and coffee throughout the day may have contributed to the massive headache I felt early evening, not drinking enough water (I am wagging a finger at myself, save my personal trainer doing it, hehe). Tomorrow is a 30min run, as a text from great trainer informed me. I love getting the texts, it saves me logging on.
I caught up with all my blog entries today; I was curious to find a comment on my blog, anonymously left, someone saying they looked forward to my next blog entry and they would see me soon (?). Whoever it was, I would be grateful to know, so I may thank them for reminding me that I had fallen behind with my blog entries :o) And how nice to be reminded that someone actually reads my blog, I believe my personal trainer uses it as a cure for insomnia (that deserves a smack, doesn't it?!) but how lovely that someone looks forward to reading my blog. Oh yes, I am making too much of it but I don't care, it cheered me anyway :o)

Healthier Steps

Monday: Resting after a very pleasing run yesterday. The right foot continues to ache strongly and I have booked an appointment to see the doctor on Thursday. Today was spent mostly cleaning and tidying, with the mil due to arrive this weekend. It was also the other half's birthday, no fuss today, though, as he was working and the trip to the cinema and Nando's a week ago was the treat. I did treat him to an Indian takeaway for dinner and I put aside my healthy eating for the occasion. It tasted okay but not as good as takeaway used to taste. Is this because I am so into healthy eating these days that I can't enjoy junk anymore? I doubt it, get a grip, I tell myself (hehe). It's a good sign though, when your body tells you to eat well, less of a battle like when I went though diets/health kicks in the past, and eating healthily was a struggle, a daily fight. That's not to say I don't eat rubbish at all, I'm just so pleased that I am choosing to eat granola and raisin cereal for breakfast, it's not as if it's being forced on me. My mother is often on the phone, pushing me to have a kind word with my overweight younger brother about his poor dietary habits; I have encouraged him to take up regular exercise, anything, doesn't have to be running, of course. But I can see how he thinks and why thinks that way, not wanting to eat healthily, not wanting to exercise, leading a sedentary lifestyle. It took someone dying to get me to take a long hard look at my weight and lifestyle; I don't know what it will take him to push him into getting fitter, hopefully not the same thing, maybe seeing how happy running makes me might help. I'll be staying with the family again for the Glasgow Half, a race that they both support and don't expect I can do; I have many moments I don't think I can do it either, but then I take it a day at a time when fear strikes. Slow and steady wins the race ;o)

The Darkness Is Coming

Sunday: Third consecutive day of running, not what great trainer wants me to do right now, but that is how it worked out round my life this week. I got out for a run later than usual, after 1pm, once the other half got home from the gym (who is, incidentally, displaying a keener interest in fitness right now). It was drizzly and cold, so I had the long sleeved top on for running. I spent much of yesterday pondering over my past form, all recorded on fetch. I noticed that I have got a lot faster over the months, coming down from 14min miles to my fastest being 9min miles, but at the same time, I am running for shorter periods. For all my intentions to keep it slow and focus on endurance, I haven't kept endurance up with the speed. This was on my mind when I got up to run today. It's so easy to start off fast, and it feels good (temporarily), but I made a real effort to begin nice and very slow today. I felt a lot stronger, I noticed, throughout the run, compared to a week ago, and I wasn't drinking any juice to make me feel like that. I had a great deal of water yesterday, I am sure that contributed to how I felt today. Plus, new motivating music on my mobile helped me a lot through the tough bits. The only area of concern was an ache in my right foot, around the heel/arch area; this has been with me for weeks, possibly months, but it's only been noticeable when I walked barefoot. Today was the first time I felt it during a run, and whilst the ache was bearable, I plan to see the doctor to play it safe, having been advised by fetchies that it may be plantar fasciitis (a common injury). That aside, today was great; I hit the recommended 30mins and felt great, so kept going. This didn't last long (hehe) and I stopped at 36mins 57secs, having covered 3.69miles. Really very pleased with today, this was my longest continuous run in rather a long time. I think I am coming out of the 'dip', I have been feeling stronger in my last few runs and I feel less exhausted in general. Perhaps the post-fatigue from the tonsil infection is finally dying away, helped along by me eating the 'right' things as much as possible. Whatever the reason, I am just relieved I am running better, and I felt a real buzz post-run today. Got to hang onto that thought; my mother in law (mil) is arriving next Sunday, staying for a few months, and whilst she is a lovely person, I am dreading the whole coming-and-going of (certain unwanted) family during this time, as well potential personality clashes. I think I will need my running more than ever, as a way of blowing off steam and as an escape from it all. Who knows, maybe it will get even better - my injured runner friend once, or twice, commented that I was too nice and needed anger to better my running. Does anger or happiness make a better runner? That theory may well be tested vigorously in the months to come.

The Treadmill And Jacuzzi Are A-Calling

Saturday: Great trainer advised a 15min 'hard run' - good gosh, all runs are usually hard for me, I haven't quite got the hang of 'easy, medium, hard' paces, they all feel roughly similar most days. Today was cloudy and wet, a nice change from it being so darned hot. I covered 1.59miles in 15mins 24 secs. It felt like a better run than last time, and I was pleased that I regained a 'normal state' quicker than usual, post-run. I did consider running for a longer period of time though I was all puffed out at hitting 15mins. I thought it best not push harder than what was already rather hard, planning a longer run tomorrow. Hopefully the sun will continue to hide whilst I run. However, that should not be too big a problem for me soon; I received a voucher for a free month's trial at a local gym, which I have signed up for. I have roped a friend into this, someone I was losing touch with, and it will be great to do this with her. Now I know I have verged on snobby in my views about gyms (this is me doing a temporary u-turn) but I concede, a free gym trial is a free gym trial ;o) I have been lured by the air conditioning (woohoo, no sun!) as well as the jacuzzi/sauna facilities. But it is just for a month - I cannot afford long term gym membership, plus I do enjoy running outside. It will be an interesting experience, going back to the treadmill (last tried out over a year ago, more walking than running), as well as trying out the machines that help you tone the bits that need toning, and in my case, that's pretty much all over! First day is Thursday, looking forward to it, though I suspect I won't stop running outside completely; there is good reason we call it the 'great outdoors' :o)

A Little Stronger

Friday: Like the last run, today was a hot day and the Fetch t-shirt got another outing. Having had 3.5 hours' sleep, I decided that porridge was necessary for breakfast. It's growing on me, slowly, or rather, I find it easier to eat if I am reading something at the same time, a little distraction from the taste ;o) Today's run began well, no need for a long warm-up in this hot weather. It got quite tough as it went on, the last 5/6mins being 'gasping' level for me, really pushing me to my limits. The run was supposed to be 30mins long but my absolute limit was 27mins 48secs, covering 2.81miles. I was pleased today not to feel 'wobbly'; post-run, I was exhausted but very happy not to feel faint like I have been doing, I felt a lot stronger today. Later, I received my copy of the Runner's World magazine in the post, something that delighted me, at the risk of sounding like a geek (hehe). But hey, a running geek, I don't mind that really, I'm getting fitter because of running, so it's all good :o)

Unexpected News

Thursday: The plan was to run at the crack of dawn, because although I was supposed to run today, life got in the way (as it always does) and the only opportunity to run was before the school run. However, I switched the alarm off in my sleepiness and forgot all about getting up to run. Those crack of dawn runs back in February feel like a distant memory indeed! I have been napping a lot lately, despite getting enough sleep at night, the feeling of exhaustion is dragging on a bit. There is a lot on my mind plus other commitments that require a lot of my time and effort, so perhaps it is naturally that my running was going to go through a 'dip'. Still, I feel rather bouyed by the Platt Fields 10km, it's definitely given me a mental boost (though it's a physical boost I need more than anything). I heard today that my injured runner friend will need an operation to fix the knee, there is torn cartiledge which needs removing, plus physio :o( I was very sad to hear that an op is needed, really unexpected news because the knee seemed to be progressing very well. However, if that's what is necessary, then that is what is necessary for recovery. I am hoping that the op happens soon, along with the physio, to get my friend back into running action very soon. The plan was to do the Glasgow Half together, but this new development in the recovery process means that might not happen. But I am determined to keep training as best I can, and to keep my friend positive about recovery - I am always saying it, but it really is (scientifically proven to be) true, that negative thinking hampers recovery time. Two months to go yet to the race so every reason to be hopeful; the main thing is that the leg recovers fully, and there will always be other races if the leg needs more time to recover. Injuries are sad, awful things, but the fetch forums remind me that runners bounce back all the time from them, in time, stronger and better for the experience. Positive Mental Attitude indeed :o)

More Hydration, Less Aching

Wednesday: Rest day, as per the official programme. My personal trainer doesn't seem to like me mentioning that I am resting, well, tough, because if the programme says rest, I darned well will ;o) It's a real effort to make sure I am drinking plenty of water and if I want to keep up my new plan of not carrying a drink with me when running, I need to make drinking water a part of my routine. Point of reflection, I notice I don't ache so much anymore, perhaps I am not running enough to ache sufficiently, then again, the 'wobbly-ness' is enough of a hassle to deal with right now. But it feels good that my calves and legs in general don't ache like before, about time the body started to accept it's going to have to run :o)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Month, Renewed Determination

Tuesday: New month, renewed push to run great :o) The first outing for my new fetch t shirt, despite it being rather snug, and luminous, oh gosh, so luminous! Today was rather a hot day, so just as well I had a t shirt, plus my capri pants. Great trainer expecte an intervals session adding up to 30mins; after much thought over recent form, I decided it was enough for me to take an easy pace to get to 30mins. It started badly, I got a stich after a minute; I slowed and pressed on it, determined to keep going. The stich came and went throughout the run, moving around; I turned up the music and tried to keep going at a slow pace. What stopped me eventually was the wobbly feeling in the legs that had me stumbling before 20mins; I stopped at 21mins 23 secs, having done 2.14 miles. It was annoying I couldn't make 30mins but I was still pleased with how today felt, it felt doable and satisfying, and that's how I feel when I enjoy my running :o) Walking home, I felt it was taking too long, so the cool-down was a mixture of walk/jog/run. Good to have kicked off the new month with a couple of miles; the Sale 10mile is on August 3rd, a month away, and I will need plenty of miles behind me to be prepared for that. I am enjoying the fetch forums, full of runners discussing issues that I can identify with, and lots of great advice from others. It was pleasing to talk about Platt Fields 10km with my injured runner friend who was both pleased I did it, but concerned that I had maybe risked my health to do it. I think it was risky indeed to have gone ahead with it, but that I was very sensible about it, maybe a more stubborn runner than me would have got injured. I am still feeling rather happy that I completed it, when I know how close I came to just walking off in tears. There is so much to learn from every race, I feel mentally stronger for every race I do. Tomorrow is a rest day, as the programme says; there is a lot less guilt attached to resting these days, not sure what it says about me as a runner, but it's definitely an indicator of my continuing lower than usual energy levels. Got to focus on my diet to keep me stronger, and if I hear one more word about not sleeping enough, I could strangle someone...

Post - Platt Fields Rest

Monday: The high from yesterday continued, or rather the effect of drinking so much celebratory Irn Bru ;o) I rested today, and the body was keen in the rest. My right leg, the knee in particular, ached strongly all day, easing off by evening. I realised I haven't felt the usual aches in the right leg lately, not because I haven't noticed, but because my problem at the moment is the 'hollow/faint' feelings. I would rather an achey leg, something the gel always helps with. I can't believe I did a 10km race yesterday :o) It's ironic, when I ran/walked GER, I was incredibly disappointed with myself, but this time round, I can't stop smiling. Perhaps reaching certain lows gives one a different perspective. I can't help remembering how difficult it was, how miserable I felt at certain points. I recall a man on a bike riding past, I was walking and puffing and panting, and he shouted something like 'Don't give up, love, you can do it, keep going!', and that had felt really good to hear. The runners I chatted to before the race encouraged me to join their club; any runner you speak to, wants you to join their club, which is lovely. It really is like a big friendly community. I was given leaflets by one of the organisers at the end, though the club is quite far from me. It has made me think more about joining a club, perhaps, oh if only one had creche provision, life would be easier! I really would like to save money on race entry fees, I am noticing this racing is costing me more and more. I was set on joining FERC but I wonder, what if I decide and am able to fit in a running club in the future, then I would be paying extra. I plan to do at least a race every month, even if it's a small one, and this is all going to add up. The only race in July I could do is a race for life, and that is 9 miles away, at a time we are really budgeting everything. I have added the Sale 10mile to my fetch race portfolio, I need to do a 10mile at some point, and doing it a month before the Glasgow Half, sounds reasonable. Though my heart stops at the thought of a 10miler (gulp).

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Race Day - Platt Fields 10km

Sunday: I didn't hear my alarm go off, was sleeping rather soundly compared to recently, but luckily the race wasn't due to start till 12pm. I awoke, again with doubts in my head over doing the race. It didn't matter to anyone if I didn't do it, I wasn't being sponsored or anything like that. I could just get back into bed, or rest on the sofa downstairs, watching the kids play. But it mattered to me, and somehow, I managed to push myself to focus. I didn't want to think about the race too much, too worried, and busied myself with cooking and cleaning. I felt tired and heavy, nowhere near the optimum pre-run state. But I kept an eye on the time and set about getting ready. I was pleased to wrangle a lift to the race, I wasn't in the mood to get 2 buses to the park. When I got there, it was rather cool and cloudy, getting warmer. I registered straight away, got my race number on, and there was absolutely no turning back now. A short warm-up walk, chatted to some friendly runners and then it began. This was a club race, 99% club runners, and they all shot off within seconds of the hooter. It's nice having some experience behind me; my first race was a club race and it had worried me seeing people run off, but I am used to it now, and it doesn't bother me, because I need to focus on me and not them. The race began well for me, I felt okay, breathless quickly but okay. I was running near two others, following one in the distance for a while, before losing sight completely for a long time, till the last mile. I had GO with me and drank a great deal very quickly; it was helpful, but not enough, I felt drained very quickly, and soon fell into a walk/run pattern. I was disappointed to walk, but I had no choice, I felt like I was running on empty. As soon as I felt something, I jumped back into running. The race marshalls were very nice, clapping and shouting words of support, as were complete strangers in the park. But I reached a real low point when I neared the end of the first big lap, knowing I had another 2 to go, and it felt impossible. I seriously considered quitting, I didn't want to walk/run, I felt awful physically and I felt so disappointed with myself. I was quite tearful :o( I was upset, the whole situation felt impossible, 10km felt like Everest. But I kept walking, and I thought, as long as I can keep going, isn't that the main point? A lot of thoughts crossed my mind - I thought of Kung Fu Panda (seriously...) and my injured runner friend, who within two days of a serious accident, made it to the finish line of the Great Edinburgh Run, on crutches and had a picture taken. That picture helped inspire me, and the words from Kung Fu Panda, about making the most of today, the present. It didn't matter that I had to walk, it mattered to me to finish, and not quit; realising that, I focused on my race and prayed silently to God to let me finish, still on my feet. It began to rain towards the end, He answered my prayers ;o) Around the last mile, I caught sight of the runner I saw ages ago; she stopped as I neared, asking if we were going the right way, as she had lost sight of the others and was worried. I assured her we were fine, just the last two. We chatted a little, as we were around the same speed by then and were soon joined by her friend, who had already finished. With a few hundred yards to go, the finishing line in sight, he encouraged her to do a final big push; I went all out, as much as I had in me, and was shocked to finish just 2 seconds ahead of her - second last again :o) My official time was 66mins 15seconds - I later realised, this was a new PB for me (!) I had been expecting around 80mins before I raced; during it, I was trying to keep it under 70mins (my GER time was 71mins). I was so shocked by my time, my best ever time, even though I had to walk a bit and I had so many low points. I recall a stich that kept nagging away at me, that slowed me down a lot. But I was over the moon with my time, and the sheer relief that I completed the 10km, I didn't quit :o) Despite it being a flat course, my legs struggled as if it was a steep uphill, and it felt so difficult compared to my previous two 10km races. But I did it, and I was ecstatic :o) Texts from my friend had boosted me during my race, support can make so much difference. I received a bottle of water at the end, no goody bag, which was disappointing but it didn't matter, because I was so happy to have completed the race and feeling well. Later in the day and in the evening, I was exhausted and a lot more fatigued than usual for my post-race state; I usually need a walk after I get home but today, I was dying to lie down and not move too much. This race has boosted me in a big way, I am so glad I did it :o)
Earlier this week, I ordered Fetch t shirts for myself and my injured friend, a surprise which I could not mention here (otherwise the surprise could have been ruined, obviously!). It was a surprise indeed, and a very welcomed and appreciated one, I am glad to know :o) I am looking forward to us wearing our t shirts for the Glasgow Half! I didn't wear it today, partly saving it for that race and partly because it was a little cold today so opted for my full sleeved top. But my friend was most disappointed and insisted I start wearing it, though mine is slightly tight (even more motivation to run, hehe). The Fetch t shirts have cheered both of us up, for similar and different reasons, amazing what a difference a t shirt can make :o)

Kung Fu Panda and Me

Saturday: I am doing the Platt Fields 10km. Well, still time to change my mind, but I decided today, embrace the fear, throttle it and race. I didn't run today, since I am planning to do a 10km race tomorrow, so a bit of rest for the legs, hopefully increase their hunger. I had a lie-in today, give or take getting up to see to the kids, but a long lie-in, which ought to have made me feel good. It didn't - my back ached, as did my neck (awkward sleeping position, I presume), and the body again felt heavy and tired. I felt awful, I thought, how can you run 10km feeling like this, it's too dangerous. I have been stumbling a lot in my recent runs, losing balance, as the legs feel hollow and empty, and this helps cut short the running, as I don't want to get injured. Felt pretty negative about the race, till the afternoon. Spent the afternoon shopping with the family and took the kids to the cinema to see Kung Fu Panda as a treat, and a treat it was. Now, one may think it crazy to find inspiration from an animated panda, but possible, it is :o) The story was about an overweight panda, Po, who yearned to learn Kung Fu skills, and he overcomes obstacles to fulfil his dream and destiny as the Dragon Warrior, a master of Kung Fu. I very much identified with the overweight panda ;o) I was watching this film and thinking, tomorrow really is a mystery, all we have is the present and we ought to make the most of it. And I empathised with Po saying that, no matter how painful it was to learn the art of Kung Fu, it didn't compare with how painful it was being himself every day, working with his father, making noodles. Running used to make me feel so good, and the progress I was making, however small, made me feel proud of me; I miss feeling like that, I know I need to be patient with my body's limits, but after the film, I was more convinced than ever, I had to give the race a go. I am aware this whole story may sound crazy, but I guess we find inspiration in the funniest of places :o) Later in the evening, I was feeling rather lethargic again, confiding in my best friend how awful I felt and how scared I was about tomorrow. I mean, it's all very well feeling uplifted by a cartoon panda, but that feeling was being overshadowed by absolute fear that I was being stupid and careless. I've always felt nervous before a race, in varying proportions, but never scared, and before sleeping, I was actually scared I was pushing myself too hard. But I convinced myself that there was always the option to walk, which I loathe, but if I needed it, the option was there. The Platt Fields 10km feels like the biggest race I'll ever do right now, but if I can't manage that, then how can I do the half marathon in September? A lot is riding on this race.

A Dip In A Dip

Friday: Woke up feeling very low (deja vous, these days). I forced myself to get into my training gear, though felt very sluggish and tired. I usually run after the morning school run, but when I got home, I collapsed onto the sofa and fell asleep, utterly exhausted. I awoke, running late to pick up my son from nursery. Not sure why I feel so tired, but it's getting to me, feeling run-down. I didn't even feel that refreshed from my morning nap, still tired, even though I sleep a lot more than I did before I started running. I really don't think lack of sleep is the problem, perhaps as was suggested, the body is still recovering from that tonsil infection I had. It was weighing heavy on my mind, not having run in the morning, and I was determined to get some running in. I managed to get out in the afternoon, though time constraints meant it couldn't be a long run. Then again, my body feels like one big obstacle itself at the moment. I ran 1.34miles in 13mins 59secs; it felt hard but better than the previous run. It was cool and cloudy, so the weather wasn't a problem. My post-run state wasn't too good, though, I was sweating excessively, breathing erratically and felt very weak. It took longer than usual to recover. I spent most of the evening resting when I could, everything felt like such a great effort. It's such a marked contrast to how I was a month ago, when I was energised and happy after a run. In the evening, I spent a great deal of time thinking about Sunday. I added the Platt Fields 10km to my Fetch race portfolio weeks ago, but hadn't thought about it, focusing instead on my training for the half marathon. Especially with my 'dip', I kept putting off a decision about Platt Fields. I am concerned that I am not 'well' enough for it, a 10min run leaves me feeling weak, hollow and verging on fainting. My head is saying, do it; maybe it's the boost I need? I know I am motivated, I know I want to run, but my body doesn't feel the same way, maybe this race is what it needs, to move closer to being in synch with my head. I fmailed a fetchie to ask for more race information, though I pretty much have all the info to hand - this race is a definite maybe.

A Busy Rest Day

Thursday: No run today, busy with interview panel duties. I enjoyed it very much and was too busy to even think about running most of today. I felt rather tired in the evening though, more than I ought to have been, I feel. The programme advises a run tomorrow and hopefully a day's rest has done my body some good. I am in the mood for a long run, a long run would be anything above 20mins for me at the moment, but the main thing is to keep running, no matter how little.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Working Through The 'Dip'

Wednesday: Family commitments always come first and it looked likely I wouldn't be able to run, but I managed to negotiate some time for it. My personal trainer had demanded an hour long run today but there was no time for that. I was enormously excited to run today, because it was raining :o) But of course, as luck would have it, the rain stopped completely by the time I got out to run! The run started off well, a lot of adrenaline since getting the time to run was hard and precious, so I ran like the wind. However, perhaps it was too fast, I couldn't sustain the speed, but I thought, no matter, slow down but got to keep going. Since time was tight, I had to go back home via an uphill route, which was very tough, and pretty much finished my run. It was like yesterday, I felt faint and the legs were giving way, even though it wasn't a hot day. I covered 1.56miles in 15mins 02secs. I was hugely disappointed not to run for at least 20mins, it feels ridiculous, when I know I have been able to run non-stop for at least an hour in the past. I don't think it's as much as case of having lost my 'running mojo' as something else. I know I am motivated, I know I am focused when I run, I have doubts it is a psychological issue. But at the same time, I am trying to address every physical issue - I am drinking lots of water, increasing my salt intake, eating healthy, getting more sleep etc. A friend suggested the tonsil infection I had has hit my fitness/stamina levels harder than I realise, though I am so reluctant to blame everything on that (I am used to not being well for a few days every few weeks, I've still managed to get fitter over these past few months). It's difficult for me right now, this 'dip', I hate not running like I used to. Tomorrow is a rest day, as I am busy with the interview panel, so the next run is on Friday. Plenty of time for contemplation, rolling up sleeves and growling at my recent form. Got to keep thinking positive, as I am always telling my injured runner friend, and know I can get through this (cue Rocky music).

Lost My Running Mojo?

Tuesday: First run of the week, interval training - 6 x 3min runs at 10km pace, followed by 2min recovery jogs. Sounded simple enough. A very hot day, I was again dragging myself to get to my run but as usual, once I started my warm-up walk, I was eager to get going. I tried setting my mobile's alarms to go off after each 3min run but this was apparently too complex for the mobile phone, and it was a little time-consuming, so I had to rely on keeping an eye on the time myself. The last few runs were in my loose running bottoms, which are looser than usual (wahey) but make it difficult for running, as I constantly pull them up (grrr), so I was out in my capri pants today. Not a good run, I underestimated how difficult it would be, and underestimated my body today. I had to stop before the 4th interval ended, covering 2.01miles in 19mins 50secs. After 10mins, my body started to slow, I tried to slow down in general in response to feeling faint and dizzy, but it didn't help much. I was stumbling and my eyes were closing, very similar to how I felt during the Great Edinbugh Run :o( I was so disheartened to feel like this but perhaps I was underprepared, in terms of hydration and salt levels. I spent the rest of the day drinking lots of water and upping my salt levels, napping too, to prepare myself for tomorrow. The next run is supposed to be on Thursday but I will be busy all day, sitting on an interview panel, interviewing candidates for receptionist positions. So, tomorrow is a running day, '20mins easy run', but I know I need to do more than that. It sounds strange but have I lost my running mojo? I don't feel as motivated as usual, though I am always keen when I start my run, but I am not running like I used to. I still feel really determined, though, perhaps a lot of runners go through 'dips' like this. After my run, I came home to something that should motivate me further... (to be continued) ... :o)

Week 4

Monday: The training programme had today as a rest day. Tomorrow will be my first session of interval training, 3min fast runs followed by 2min recovery jogs. It looks a bit complicated, well, it isn't really, just seems like tomorrow will require a lot more concentration on times. This is week 4 of training towards the half marathon, the aim as always is to stay on top of the programme. I've been thinking about which charity to run for; I spoke to my daughter's school teacher about raising money for a sick girl in her class. She had a brain tumour and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. She's the same age as my little girl and it brings it home harder :o( The teacher will speak to the girl's father on my behalf, about either raising money for her or for a charity that supports them. My runner friend voiced concern over the issues over raising money for a person and not a charity (being open to suspicion and accusations from people, or that the family may feel I didn't raise enough). It's a shame that we have to consider such things but it's a harsh reality, I guess. I will wait and see what the girl's father says. I would so love to make a positive difference to that little girl's life, and if my running can make a difference, it's not in vain and it goes beyond what it does for me.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Negative And Positive

Sunday: An incredibly windy day, I woke up feeling no desire to run - is this a bad sign? I just wanted to sleep, though I had slept plenty, really. Something kicked in and I dragged myself out of bed eventually. I took Powerade with me, knowing I hadn't drunk much water the previous day and may well need the hydrating. It was a difficult run, much like the previous run, I felt like I wasn't running in my own body. I felt heavy and slow, though I was surprised by the time I did, covering 2.38miles in 20mins 37 secs. But I ended the run in a bad way, lost of control of my breathing, feeling dizzy and generally awful. I was disappointed to have not made it to 30mins. I turned to go home, then turned back to try and run again. I managed around 4mins then had to stop, my legs were feeling wobbly (a tightness in my left calf was worsening) and I felt I was risking something stupid if I carried on running. I was quite upset by this but the walk home was long so I had time to adjust to it, think over what happened and think ahead. I was so disappointed with myself though, some very negative thoughts went though my head, thinking the half marathon was too much for me and so on. It's a huge challenge, and I am falling behind in my training every week, and if I keep this up, then I can't physically do the race, I will be so underprepared for it. However, I need to (somehow) think positive, I am officially entered and I have put in a lot of hard work these last few months. I have chosen a solid programme that should prepare me well for what the race demands of me. Plus, I plan to do this for charity and this will be my first race with my runner friend. There are so many reasons I want to do this, I mustn't let myself get too down over minor setbacks. I have a motivation plan in motion, which I can't discuss at the moment, but suffice to say, it ought to boost my confidence and my excitement levels, imminently :o) Got to get that Rocky tune back on my mobile, 'flying higher...' ;o)

Thigh Ache And Things To Come

Saturday: An incredibly late night, seeing in the official start of summer, meant I was too tired to run this morning. The legs were aching today, and the backs of the thighs in particular niggled. I haven't felt my thighs ache since back in January/February, am used to calves being the problem area. Perhaps due to the week off running? Whatever the reason, I tried to rest today, and ignore the feelings of 'complete newbieness'. The tiredness is still there, over the smallest of tasks, and I happily indulged in some junk food in the evening, fed up with the healthy eating at the moment, which leaves me feeling no more energetic than if I had stayed hungry. The plan is to run tomorrow, and that would mean I had missed 2 training runs this week, out of a possible 4. I received my half marathon confirmation in the post, much to my delight and nervousness (a mix of both really). No backing out now, I am entered :o) It's also exciting to be doing the race with my friend, and of course, it will entail going back to my beloved Scotland, which is a cheering thought. Before then, a lot of running to do!

Back To Running

Friday: Although a walk/run was planned, I had to drag myself out of bed for the school run, and I left the house with no intention or desire to run. But it was driving to school and listening to 'running' music that motivated me to return home after the school run and change for a run. And I am so glad I did. It was very windy today and I had low expectations, this being my first post-tonsil infection run. I didn't carry a drink, I didn't expect to do much. The run was strange in some ways, the legs felt heavier than usual and I felt really slow. It almost didn't feel like I myself was running, as if I was in another body, alien to me. I stumbled now and then, quite awkward in my running style, I felt. But there was a general consistency, nonetheless, and I manged to cover 2.18miles in 23mins 46secs. This was pleasing, doing over 2miles after having not run for a over a week. I've missed training sessions but at least I am getting back to it, got to keep going, and not give up, because sometimes it feels like going on is too hard. But somehow, got to keep focused and determined, not let a few missed runs get me down.

Making Plans

Thursday: I managed the school run again but had to nap after, I didn't have the strength to keep myself busy like yesterday. I didn't expect this infection to hit my energy levels so hard. The throat is pretty much back to normal, still taking the antibiotics (when I can remember) and trying to keep up my water intake. By evening, I decided I needed to go out tomorrow, even if just for a walk. The great trainer texts are weighing heavy on me, I need to be training harder for the half marathon. I haven't as yet received confirmation I am doing the half marathon and so will be getting in touch with the organisers soon about this.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Trying To Get Back

Wednesday: I had a meeting to make today so being down was not an option. I did the school run and went straight to the meeting, to discuss interview questions for a panel I will be sitting on for recruitment. I got through it with lots of tea, plus it was sitting down, so not too strenuous. When I got home, I was exhausted, walking the shortest of distances leaves me feeling like that at the moment. I managed to get some household chores done, including some gardening and clearing the external drains, accompanied by Lucozade. I am trying to gather up the strength to get back to running, and whilst the throat is getting a lot better with the antibiotics, I don't feel 100% yet.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Still Recuperating

Tuesday: The antibiotics started to make a good difference, as they should when they are being taken an annoying four times a day. The fever is somewhat reduced, the throat is less painful and I am a lot more alert. However, still feeling very rundown, napping a lot and generally recuperating. By evening, I felt a lot more energised and hope to at least tackle the school run tomorrow. The legs have felt very wobbly and I didn't trust myself to drive, but am definitely getting better. Today was difficult on a mental level, I am behind in my running, as great trainer's texts remind me, and I feel the need to be out there, not stuck on the sofa. But, so many have it harder, as I keep reminding myself, this is temporary.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Week 3, And It's The Tonsils

Monday: Bed/sofa rest is not 100% rest if one spends all night on the laptop ;o) I went to sleep incredibly late, thinking I was getting better, ignoring all the aches and pains. Another awful night of tossing and turning, high fever (dripping with sweat, which I didn't think I could do, not in this cold country, in any case). The head ached terribly, surpassed only by a horribly aching throat, I couldn't eat anything because it hurt too much. Finally saw the doctor later (a huge effort to get to the surgery, supported by the other half), and she diagnosed it as a bacterial infection of the tonsils. Thank goodness they don't need removing (my first thought was, how long would an op keep me out of running, lol, I need help...). The doctor prescribed antibiotics and rest. The diet's been mainly warm and pureed cornflakes and tea, the only things that don't hurt my throat on the way down to the stomach. The medicine started to make a difference, I felt less achey. My knees and legs had been aching a lot, and this went down a bit. I was disappointed to get a text from great trainer, reminding me to run. I under trained last week and now am behind again this week. To be honest, I tried not to think about running today, as the thought depressed me. I kept napping when my energy levels were low, and tried to walk when I felt better, my back hurt from lying down for so long. I know I won't run tomorrow but trying just to focus on getting better and watch the Euro Championships, take my mind off it. At least I know what's wrong with me, I've got the medicine so should be fine in a few days. The mind can't help but feel annoyed with the useless body though.

Pants, In The Negative Sense

Sunday: Last night was a later night than planned but all was well when I went to bed; during the night, I was really ill, feverish, in pain, name a part of the body and it was aching :o( When my alarm went off to get up for the race, I was out of it, floppy and ill. I struggled to make the bathroom, feeling the urge to be sick. Around the time I would have been racing for Pants In The Park, I was vomiting and struggling to walk. So a sound decision not to have gone, then... I spent most of the day in bed, took lots of painkillers, assuming it was a 24 hour viral thing, drinking lots of fluids. My son had an on/off fever for days but I doubt I caught it off him, I hadn't had a dodgy takeaway (no takeaways for a while due to training) so not sure what to blame it on. I was really disappointed to miss the race :o( It wasn't so much that I am trying to reach a number of races (this would have been my 5th) but I have grown to love the excitement of racing, and the atmosphere. And this one would have been for charity, a great cause, and a brilliant atmosphere as it was a fun run. But I guess, if you're too ill, then you're too ill, nothing that can be done, just got to get better and plan for the next one. Some other runners have it tougher, harder, and by the evening, though I wasn't 100%, I felt an energy boost, but kept resting to make sure I didn't do too much too soon. Being so ill so suddenly felt awful, and hope it will pass just as quick.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pre-Race And A Silly Knee

Saturday: After another incredibly late night, I opted not to run today, partly to save myself for tomorrow's race. Oh, a race, finally! I had a lot of chores to do, so no time really for running anyway. But I am now nursing an aching right knee; I was dancing along to music as I was washing the dishes (as one does...) and was holding my (2 stone) son at the same time, moved suddenly, twisting my right knee :o( I didn't strictly twist it, I swung round one way whilst the leg went the other way, bearing the weight of my son on my right side. And good gosh it hurt, and it has been aching, verging on pain intermittently. I am really disappointed, this could affect me running tomorrow. Great trainer texted to remind me I am due a 25-35min run tomorrow, which fits fine with me doing the race (though it won't be the 'easy run' they suggest). I think I should be fine, I have been very careful with the knee since I hurt it, and I have that calf gel to rely on to ease the aches. After itching for so long to race, I don't plan on letting this stop me (hopefully!). It made me think a lot about my runner friend whose injured knee is the cause of the break in running, and is finding the recovery period an incredibly tough time. I started up a discussion in fetch asking fetchies how they coped with injury and how they came back from it, hoping it would help and be a positive thing. It's difficult watching fellow runners go through injury, it must be awful not being able to do what you enjoy so much. But reading the stories on the forum about how runners persevered, over long periods of time, and came back, never gave up, it really is inspiring, and I do hope my runner friend will be cheered by those stories. Tomorrow's my race, an early night tonight since it's a long journey to get there, but I am looking forward to it :o)

A Fun Run Is Planned

Friday: A rest day after two days of running, and needed after a very late night. More disappointing news on the race front - the Sale Festival 5 Miler has been cancelled :o( So much for plan B. A lot on my mind at the moment, contributing to my desire to race. The other half is celebrating and rightly so, he will graduate next month, having done better than expected, and we're all very proud and pleased; my own studies are a source of misery currently and running is my only solace. I persevered and used another site to look up races for the weekend. I found two fun runs on Sunday and after much thought, I plan to do the 5km Pants in the Park race (in aid of a charity raising awareness of prostate cancer, Entry on the day is allowed, thankfully, and I am really looking forward to it. It won't be a 'serious' race like my previous ones but I am just so pleased to have found a race :o) It should be a fun atmosphere, similar to what the Race for Life ones are like, I assume. Bit of a problem with the lift situation, the other half thinks a race every 6 months is plenty, plus of course the petrol issue. It can be tiring having to put up with non runners thinking they know best, or rather, always trying to put down anything to do with running, and to be against a race for charity is just ridiculous, in my opinion. I intend to check out the bus timetables for Sunday morning, to go to the race on my own. It could be a lengthy journey but it will be worth it, I surprise myself by how excited I am about racing. But this one will be more fun than competitive, I think, and I just can't wait to get out there and take in the atmosphere. I remember how it felt to be walking around pre-race during the Great Runs and it was pretty exciting, not that this one will be on such a huge scale, but it is a fun run, and it's fair to expect fun :o)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Running and Race-Hunting

Thursday: The weather changed a lot overnight, it was very cloudy and a lot colder today - much to my delight :o) Sunny weather is all well and good when one isn't running, and I was pleased the sun was hiding this morning. My programme wanted me to have rest days between runs this week but I felt so much better after my cold and wanted to make the most of it. Again, I didn't carry a drink with me, wanting to see how I could cope without it. On one running forum, someone had said they were able to cope without a drink for up to 10miles, and the post was actually a little arrogant sounding (something about dismissing races of less than 10miles, I think), but that aside, it made me want to aspire to that level. Today's plan was a 25-35min run, and I did 30mins 06secs, covering 2.94miles. I was a little annoyed to discover I was just short of 3miles, I really ought to plan my routes more to make sure I am getting a good number of miles done (partly with that fetch challenge in mind). I was happy with today, I ran better and I felt better after I finished. My online trainer isn't as satisfied and expects me to be running longer sessions and doing higher mileages, though I am pretty much on track with the great trainer programme. I am disappointed I'm not doing the Race for Life on Sunday, I looked up other races and the only other alternative seems to be the Sale Festival 5 Mile on Saturday; it's very far and with petrol costs pinching tightly, I would have to bus it, but the other half is proving more obstacle than support in my running again. I'm pondering over doing this race, a 5 miler is no small thing, and maybe I haven't trained as much as I should have in preparation for a 5 miler. It's something I will sleep on before deciding, as I can enter on the day if I wish. For some reason, I am itching to race, something positive to look forward to for myself.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back To Running

Wednesday: Bad news - the Race for Life allocation has been filled up and I can't do it this weekend :o( I had gone to bed so very excited about it and can't believe I missed out by a day. There is a 5 Mile race in Sale on Saturday but, with our budgeting for petrol (I could rant about how extortionate it is, all day), it is too far for me. I felt a lot better this morning, still took paracetamol and Lucozade to keep me going. I decided I was well enough for a run, well, it took some dragging as I still felt very fatigued, but I thought it was worth a try. It was a warm day but nice cool winds, which helped a lot. Being unwell, I had forgotten to wash and dry my training gear in time, so wore some old tracksuit bottoms today, and I didn't carry a drink, expecting it to be a short run. The schedule wanted me to do 25-35mins of running and I managed to do 25mins 16secs, covering 2.46miles (going to think in miles and not kms now, makes sense to me since I am training for a 13.1mile race). It was very tough, as post-cold runs are for me, I was ready to stop at 20mins. I was panting heavily, partly due to thirst perhaps, and I don't know how but I managed to 'soldier on' to get to over 25mins. It felt so great to be within the programme's targets. After the run and a long cool-down walk, I drank some Ribena and was pleased to feel fine. The training programme suggested a rest between runs but as I am feeling better, I think I may run tomorrow anyway. I'm disappointed not having the Race for Life to do this weekend but I guess I just need to find something else to focus on.

Bad and Interfering Colds

Tuesday: The bad cold got worse, I couldn't get out of bed this morning. I did make an attempt but fell onto the floor, so that did make me realise a run wouldn't be happening today... Again, lots of paracetamol to help me get back on my feet (too much to do, no time to be unwell). I did take a few more than recommended but apparently that's incredibly dangerous, so I instead overdosed on Lucozade energy drinks to get me through the day. Hot tea is also good, though with the recent warm weather, a cold drink felt better. I was disappointed not to run today, I know I need to stick to the programme if I want to be ready for Glasgow in September. It was a a case of resting a lot today and just trying to be patient till the cold and queasiness passed. By the end of the night, I wasn't feeling 100% but I was definitely improving. Whilst lying on the sofa, I spent time looking up future races, something to look forward to. I discovered a Race for Life this weekend in Oldham, which is a fun 5km and for charity; having enjoyed myself as a spectator when it took place locally, I was keen as mustard to get involved. I checked with the other half to babysit and plan to sign up tomorrow morning. Feeling quite excited about it, a race :o)

Week 2 Towards Glasgow

Monday: A rest day in accordance with the training schedule, and I began to sniffle and sneeze, the bad cold again. With fatigue setting in, I took lots of paracetamol and dranks plenty of fluids. But I felt a little queasy all day too, can't have been due to the lentils I cooked, everyone else was fine. One of those days one feels a little delicate, I guess. Tomorrow's a running day, hope to stay on track with the programme after taking things easy last week.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Finally, A Run To Report

Sunday: Another bad night, this is getting to me, strange nightmares which make no sense and I don't touch cheese before I sleep, so it must just be stress. Again, I eventually rolled out of bed feeling very heavy with an aching back. It took a lot to get me out of the house for a run, the body just felt alien to my mind, a dense object I had no control over. Once I had my training gear on and got out of the house, my 'running head' switched on. It was around midday when I went out and it was scorching hot. Important lesson learned: don't run during the midday sun, it is an idiotic idea, at least for a newbie. I had my hat on but forgot my sunglasses. I didn't take a drink with me, since I had drunk plenty of water yesterday and this morning, and decided to reduce my dependency on drink during running. The park was full of families and I was the only runner (perhaps the sensible runners knew it was stupid to run at the hottest time of the day, lol). Though I did see one other runner later, a male only in shorts, going at the speed of lightning, and I was full of admiration for his energy levels under this heat. I started off well, struggling at 4mins, doing well at 7mins, and struggling hard at around 14mins. The programme advised a 20-30min easy run and I managed 20mins 02 secs, covering 3.32km. The run went better than expected, and I felt better than expected after it, not as dizzy as I thought I might be. A mistake I made today was perhaps my warm-up walk. The runners world magazine had an article about being careful not to warm up too much before a run on an excessively hot day, and I think if I had shortened my walk, I could have run for longer. 20 mins took it out of me in a big way but thankfully not to the level where I felt ill. I drank Ribena on reaching home and felt quite good about having run today. I realised this was my first run in 6 days, proper run anyway, the biggest gap I have had to date. Also, I was supposed to have done 3 20-30min easy runs this week; I did a 16min and a 20min, so am already behind schedule (which is pretty funny really, after all my talk about planning to stick strictly with the programme, I am behind with one week into it!). Having trouble accessing the great trainer website, but I know my next run is scheduled for Tuesday. I plan to go out tomorrow anyway, to catch up and get some more training time behind me. Looking back, this hasn't been the most productive running week but, as Yazz once trilled, the only way is up (yes, quoting an Eighties one-hit wonder is possibly a new I have high hopes for the coming week, running is my main source of de-stressing. That is slightly worrying though, knowing how hard a time my runner friend is having during an injury, I wonder how I would cope without being able to run. My friend has had a lot of lows but has coped sometimes so admirably, in trying to keep busy, despite being immobile for so long. It's something I hope I don't have to go through but seeing a runner go through the trials of an injury, it's hopefully something I can learn from. Tomorrow is the start of week 2 of my programme and I am looking for a race for this month, I am missing the post-race feeling in a big way.

Running Delayed Further

Saturday: A bad night, despite getting more hours than usual. I missed my tutorial and my run, trying to get some proper sleep but strange nightmares prevailed. I eventually got out of bed with a very achey back and in no real mood to run, feeling rather heavy and tired. No running today then, though plenty of housework (does that count as cross-training, as it was pretty intense today, lol). I hope to run tomorrow, the end of the first week of the half marathon training programme. At the moment, I am feeling rather stressed about certain things, hoping this won't affect my running adversely. Maybe running will help in that respect, maybe. Another non-running day, the body may be feeling sluggish but the mind is eager to drag it to the park tomorrow.

Back Home

Friday: I had time to run this morning, but chose not to, instead going off on an adventure of sorts (being more 'nutta' than sensible, perhaps, and that wasn't my choice of adjective!). I can't complain, I did have time to run again but I chose not to. This may be a pattern that repeated itself a lot during my stay in Scotland. I don't think it means my attitude towards running has changed a lot, though. I think, for so long now, I put running ahead of a lot, nearly everything. That was even one of the main reasons for going away, so that I could run more, which may verge on obsessive, I don't know. But going back to my 'home ground', is always an emotional experience and I really don't regret not putting my running first. Catching up with my friend was a lot more important to me, as was enjoying the feeling of being back. My last visit was a very difficult one, hearing about my runner friend's injury and then not doing as well as hoped during the Great Edinburgh Run. This time round, I was more relaxed and perhaps more appreciative of the little things, and not so stressed about running. How strange, though, to think this week began with me stressed out of my skull about how to run with no childcare available. I arrived back in Manchester in the evening, tired, emotional and glad to have had the time away. The plan for tomorrow is to attend a tutorial and possibly make a run, but it will depend on how tired I am. It's been a bit of a mad week so far and the tiredness is catching up. Thank goodness for Lucozade bottles in the fridge :o)

Family Before Running

Thursday: Family commitments dominated this evening, when I had planned to run. My older brother had planned to run with me and I was happy to have his company, but running time never materialised. I was a little disappointed by this, it has been 3 days since I had a proper run. However, I did know that staying with family was not a guarantee for running time. Also, I have chosen not to run and put friends first, so I can't complain. The kids are loving their holiday, I am quite fatigued by lots of walking (sightseeing etc) and late nights/early mornings. The body isn't craving running as much as the mind is saying I ought to be running. Great trainer are texting to remind me to run and though I am worried about falling behind with the programme, I am reassured that at least this is the start, and I have plenty of time to catch up. It's important not to stress about my running when this is the nearest to a holiday I am going to get for a while.

A Time For Friends

Wednesday: I was pleased and rather humbled by the comment left by Georgia D's Dad on my blog a few days ago, as ever, far too kind :o) It really is a lovely surprise to find comments on my blog, I forget sometimes that others may read what are pretty much ramblings of a newbie runner. Which is perhaps what I ought to name my blog soon, something like 'ramblings of a runner', as the title of 'newbie' is wearing old, according to my runner friend. I do feel new to all this, still, perhaps being in the company of much more experienced runners in forums. But that doesn't bother me, rather, I quite revel in my newbie status, I think, allow myself to get away with a great deal, too, as I am so new, lol. Tonight's planned run was foregone for catching up with a friend, though I did manage some short bursts of untimed, unmeasured running. My aim had been to come to Scotland to run as much as I could, and though I still feel motivated to run, I have enjoyed spending a little time socialising, which I don't get to do much usually. Again, the plan is to run tomorrow, but so far, family issues and lack of running aside, the trip has gone better than expected so far :o)

Away To Scotland

Tuesday: I arrived in Scotland by lunchtime and set about making plans for the evening. Once managing to organise family to watch the kids for the evening, I faced a choice - either go for a run, or go out to meet fellow students (the local branch of the students association). A hard choice indeed, considering my social life is near non-existent ;o) I went to the meet which was great fun, and much-needed, feeling no guilt whatsoever about not running. As much as I love running, it isn't everything, dare I say! However, I did pack my Runners World magazine in my suitcase for bedtime reading, as well as my half marathon application form, as yet half-filled. I am wondering what to put down for estimated time. No run today but a wonderful evening in the company of friends old and new, and a run is planned for tomorrow :o)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Half Marathon Training Begins - Down and Up

Monday: Some days definitely do not pan out as expected. I managed to get out for a run, though disappointing. It was a real struggle, I just felt heavy and tired, despite my enthusiasm over starting the half marathon training programme. Technically, I was supposed to start tomorrow but knowing the other half would be away for most of this week, I knew I needed to run whilst I still had someone to watch my daughter (on school holidays). I think I was also pretty stressed during the run, the whole issue over having noone to babysit this week so I could run. Stress will sometimes motivate me to run, but sometimes, it gets in the way of the enjoyment of running. I ran the shorter than needed time of 16mins 10secs, covering 2.54km. Disappointed and stressed, I expected the week to be a difficult one, in terms of my running. However, hope was more alive than I realised; on returning home, the other half suggested and encouraged my visiting family in Scotland whilst he was away on his trip. A little thought, a quick check of train fares, and I had my tickets booked - I travel tomorrow early morning with the kids :o) By going away, at least I will have the opportunity to run (family can babysit) and staying home will definitely mean no running. So, for the second time in a month, I am going back to Scotland, a holiday for the kids, maybe even one for me? :o)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Challenges Ahead

Sunday: A very late night, coupled with kids making mischief, led to me deciding not to run this morning. I was a little regretful later as I saw it had been raining, and it has been a while since I ran in the glorious rain. I spent some time looking up races I can do this month, constantly being urged to do a 10miler, but that sometimes feels like over-optimism. But I wonder, I have done two 6.22milers (10km), perhaps the 10miler isn't so big a leap? I am being constantly accused of being negative about my running, moaning about it, but on much reflection, I disagree I am that right now. I don't think I have felt more positive about my running, I feel rather bouyed by the knowledge of having done 4 races, each a great challenge for me. One runner's realism may be another runner's pessimism, perhaps, and I think I have been fairly realistic. Till now, anyway... I was perhaps seduced by the huge faith of others in my abilities, when this evening, I accepted my first fetch challenge. A fetchie has challenged me to do within 30miles of his total mileage for June. I thought, interesting... till I read his training log, which details his having done 119miles in May alone - compare this with my having done 140 odd miles in FIVE months of training. However, he has had 'worse' months, and after the initial indignant and shocked state subsided, a voice inside me said, go oooonnnn... So I did :o) I accepted the challenge, and yes, the odds may be stacked against this overweight, puffing newbie, but who says the underdog always loses? ;o) It's another motivating factor for me, to do the extra mile when I train. My realistic hat says I won't be able to win the challenge and I know that. But it will be something exciting for me, something to challenge me. The half marathon will be a real challenge on its own, and me accepting the fetch challenge should work with it, help me focus harder, work harder, enjoy the journey more. Another fetchie informed me of a race in Liverpool after my half marathon, which gave me food for thought, I have never thought about running there before. But it is definitely something I will consider, having a soft spot for a city I have barely seen. Tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day, at the start of a new programme, but I have decided to run. My other half is away from Tuesday to Friday, and the thought of not being able to run is a great cause for concern (my daughter is still on school holidays this week). But I hope to try and work something out, somehow. Challenges indeed.

Spectator at the Race For Life

Saturday: I took the kids with me to watch the Race for Life in the local park (no run for me today). It was rather strange to be a spectator and not a participant, and as I watched the runners set off, my feet were itching to join in! The atmosphere was great, it was incredible to see so many running for Cancer Research UK, their reasons for running pinned to their backs. My daughter commented on so many being for runners' mums. The race had lots of walkers and it really was lovely to see so many happy people, enjoying themselves, and for such a good cause. I spotted a runner in a vest but she sped away before I could yell my support, though I continued to clap on the others :o) The kids weren't as enthusiastic about it as I expected, a downright pain a lot of the time, but I was undeterred in my aim to watch the runners. I was a little overcome by how proud I felt to see fellow runners cross the finishing line. I didn't know anyone there yet I identified with them so strongly. It had been a job trying to find the finishing line (not marked as clearly as it should have been, I think) but it was a joy to get there eventually. I didn't stay for as long as I wanted, the kids were playing up too much, but I was glad I went. Although these races are generally not competitive and are filled probably with more walkers than runners, today reminded me of why I run, because it's about fun, it's about enjoyment. It can be easy to lose track of that, I felt that a short time ago. I wish I had taken part today but I wasn't too down about it, no point really, and I truly did enjoy watching other runners. I reached an important decision, deciding on following the half marathon programme as advised by, and this begins Monday (rest day). A 14 week programme leading neatly to the big race in September, I will be receiving reminder texts before every training session. I felt more comfortable with following times rather than mileage, and it felt more doable than the programme offered by runners world. The application for the race finally arrived, which I plan to send off on Monday. At the end of the day, the feet were rather sore and achey from the trip to the park. I applied a great deal of vaseline over the blisters and all over the feet before sleeping, as I planned to run the next day, thinking about 60mins to start off the new month.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's My Birthday and I'll Run If I Want To...

Friday: Looked in the mirror this morning and thought, 4 races, you are so kidding me! :o) And to think I could be saying I have done a marathon by my next birthday?? This running lark does wonders for one's self-confidence. As planned, I went off for a run this morning, taking raspberry-flavoured Lucozade sport with me (nothing else in the fridge). Still no sign of the earphones but the loudspeaker option works well on my mobile, probably to the displeasure of others in the park though (hehe). Nice cool weather today, no blistering sun in my face for once. I set off intending to do a lot of uphill, around the route of my first race. It wasn't as hard as it was, but still tough enough to be a real challenge for me. A problem was my drink, it tasted very off and I gave up drinking it (it had been opened and in the fridge for days, I think). So, running uphill and feeling very thirsty, the run felt tougher than it should have been. I had thought about the 5km mark before my run but, listening to my body, I stopped at 3.24km (21mins 12secs). I thought I had stopped at a point where I had reached my limit, but I felt rather weak for a little after the run. It was the usual faintness and weakness, and I wished I had drunk more water and eaten more salt in the past few days. The feeling passed eventually, it was just annoying to feel so weak like that. The walk home felt quite long as I could feel the blisters flaring up again on my feet. Not having any vaseline in the house, I searched the cupboards and settled on using vicks balm on my blisters before the run. I figured, similar consistency, similar appearance... not very logical really, but I was desperate to run! I managed to run fine but the walk home was difficult, the vicks was not a real alternative. I later bought a tub of vaseline from Boots, and will put the use of vicks down to experience ;o) I was pleased to have had a run, though, and it was a good run, a lot more uphill than usual, I felt good about it later. It was a quiet birthday on the whole, the run was a real highlight for me. My favourite present was, and oh this is bordering on obsessive surely... vouchers for 'Up and Running' in Manchester :o) Oh yes, a running shop... a year ago, getting those vouchers would have had me in a foul mood, as well as indignant, hehe. But I am so enjoying my running, and I am looking forward to when I am able to get to the city centre and shop. It still feels surreal to think I have done 4 races. I know it is a lot for some, and a paltry amount for others, but a huge deal for me. And it's not just the number of races. I think about each, and the experience of each, and each was unique. The pain and the suffering is individual to everyone, no-one knows how much you give of yourself to the race, the emotions that race through your mind, the low points when you think 'I can't do this, I really can't', the pulling-yourself-together points, periods when you remember why you're doing it, trying to motivate yourself, bits when problems happen and you try to deal with them fast as you can... but it really isn't all pain and suffering, the points where you're 'in the zone', when it feels so good, points when you're focusing on putting into practice everything you have trained for and learned, periods where the crowd support makes you want to burst with pride for doing this, the sheer joy of seeing the finishing line, the ecstasy of completing the race, still standing... I think it's something both no-one else knows and feels, but also something only other runners know and feel (if that makes any sense but it makes sense to me). I spent the evening, drinking Irn Bru, indulging in Pringles, planning on a bigger birthday next year, but feeling so satisfied and pleased with my running. And this really is only the beginning :o)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

First Post-Sale Run

Thursday: Back to the park today. It was sunny and warm, and I had Lucozade Sport Lemon Plus to sip. I realised that GO really did have a hint of lemon, as this drink was akin to being overdosed on lemons... The aim was a 15 to 20min run, I felt pretty relaxed about today. It was strange not having a race to aim for, well, not an imminent one anyway. I would have liked to enter the Race for Life on the weekend (5km) but it is apparently too late to do so. Still, I plan to go and watch, and cheer the runners on. Today I just went all-out within minutes, I think my body just wanted to run and not worry about pacing itself, after constantly having to do so for races. I went uphill for a bit, making the most of the adrenaline rush of running without care. The lack of water from my rest days, as well as the not so healthy snacks, definitely affected me, though the drink was helpful. Feeling very tired in the heat, I stopped at 14mins 13secs, having covered 2.17km. I was surprised to check on fetch that I wasn't as fast as I thought I was, it had felt an uncontrollably fast pace. Though I was exhausted and sweating hugely by the end of a very short run, I enjoyed it today, it felt rather good. The run ended at the other side of the park, leaving a long walk home, but the walk was good for the legs, which couldn't run anymore but definitely needed to keep moving. I began to feel the blisters on my left foot again, which I hadn't noticed during the run. When I got home and took the socks off, they were huge again, much to my disappointment. I also noticed slightly lumpy kind of swelling on both feet, above the heel and a few inches down from the ankles. Probably nothing, and not really painful to touch, but I plan to get it checked out, to be on the safe side. I spent the rest of the day barefoot again, walking with my weight on the outside of my feet to help the blisters heal fast. My runner friend advised vaseline for them, which I unfortunately don't have (does vicks balm work as an alternative, I wonder). Lots of water today, to keep hydrated, and lots of pasta, partly because I wanted it, and partly I hope it will help with running tomorrow. I'd quite like a long run tomorrow, how long, I don't know, I guess I'll just see how the mood takes me. It's my birthday and I was so keen to have a race to do, but none near enough to me, so this is the next best thing. My kids asked why I didn't take a day off running for my birthday, but I tried to explain that it was something that would help make my day, and I do mean that. Looking forward to tomorrow's run, should be a pensive one, too. My earphones are currently lost so I relied on the mobile's loudspeaker to run to music, the same will probably happen tomorrow. Hope it rains, that would be rather lovely indeed :o)