Saturday, July 12, 2008
Stress And Focus
Thursday: The plan had been to begin my free gym trial from today but my friend couldn't make it due to her son's school sports' day. I decided not to go either since I know this coming week will be difficult running-wise. The free trial voucher has been put away for now; it will be much easier to run in the local park than to go to the gym at the moment. I had porridge for breakfast, getting used to it, not so bad with honey and reading Runner's World to take the mind off it not tasting like Crunchy Nut ;o) Drank some Lucozade too to pep me up; like yesterday, I did some stretching/dancing along to music in the house instead of a warm-up walk. I feel the urge to run as soon as I get out of the house, and I think making stretching a part of my routine is a good thing, especially for races, it's easier to stretch before a run. The right knee and calf felt odd, so I applied the calf gel (first time in a while). Again, today's run felt good, strong, doable :o) Two problems, though, a nagging, undulating stich throughout the run and the right heel aching more. But I ran fine, the target was 25mins, and I did 26mins 39secs, covering 2.63miles. It was sunny with cool winds when I ran, again missing the rain. I was pleased to feel good post-run, and walked home with some short sprints. Later in the evening, the right foot ached very strongly. I had a doctor's appointment I couldn't make, so will ring up for another one next week. It usually aches when I walk, but tonight it was hurting without any pressure on it. A good thing, then, that tomorrow is a rest day, hopefully the ache will die down before the next training run. Mentally, I am feeling so ready for the Half Marathon, perhaps wanting to channel my aggression over family issues, into my running. A dear friend successfully helped me de-stress; some aggression is a good thing, some stress too, but to a point. The coming few months may be quite stressful, in the unwanted and negative sense; this race is something for me to focus on, something to look forward to. When things get bad, and indeed they will when certain family gather, I have my running to keep me sane, and also, specially composed music to keep me smiling :o)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Stronger, Lighter
Wednesday: Fetch t shirt on again, the weather was cool but with sunny intervals. I had both the hat and shades on today, the brightness can be a bit much when running. Talking of which, I really ought to make more of an effort into buying 'proper' sunglasses. I spent all evening recently looking at sunglasses online but gave up after a while, the problem is finding a pair that will suit me, and buying online, it's strange not being able to try them on first for comfort. But that is a priority for next week, once things settled down at home. The mil is arriving on Sunday, there is much to be done before then, and study and running are going to need a lot of careful planning. Today's run felt good, I am definitely feeling stronger these days. At one point, my legs were running on 'automatic', and I haven't experienced that feeling for a long time, it felt so good! Since things were going so well, I decided to push myself harder, and tackle some slopes, undulating bits I haven't done for a while. And pushed me it did, that had me gasping desperately for air, but at least I was working hard, as I should. Throughout the run, the right foot ache was more noticeable, coming and going, but it wasn't strong enough to cause me problems. The target was 30mins, and I did 30mins 34secs, covering 3.12miles. The post-run recovery state was a lot faster and better, I was easily able to do some short sprints home in between the walking. However, I kept getting a stich-like pain in my right side when I ran, as has happened a few times. But I'm pretty happy with today, on target with the programme and most importantly, I feel strong and able to run. Extra bit of good news for me, weighed myself and discovered I have lost 2 stones since I took up running in January :o) Very pleased with this and hope the weight continues to fall off, still a lot to lose, but I'm glad I am seeing and feeling the results :o)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Missed Run And Anonymous Cheer
Tuesday: Due to the interview panel meeting taking place all day, I meant to be up at the crack of dawn for a run (again). I didn't run (again). My son's potty training issues had me busy and by the time everything was sorted, it was time for the school run. Perhaps it was just as well, giving the right foot extra rest. I didn't feel the ache much today, wearing heels all day, so the pressure was off the right heel. I still wanted to run, though :o( When dark clouds gather and it rains, I have this urge to run, but it shall have to be satisfied tomorrow morning now. I did have a good day, the interview panel duties were intensive and thoroughly enjoyable. However, lots of tea and coffee throughout the day may have contributed to the massive headache I felt early evening, not drinking enough water (I am wagging a finger at myself, save my personal trainer doing it, hehe). Tomorrow is a 30min run, as a text from great trainer informed me. I love getting the texts, it saves me logging on.
I caught up with all my blog entries today; I was curious to find a comment on my blog, anonymously left, someone saying they looked forward to my next blog entry and they would see me soon (?). Whoever it was, I would be grateful to know, so I may thank them for reminding me that I had fallen behind with my blog entries :o) And how nice to be reminded that someone actually reads my blog, I believe my personal trainer uses it as a cure for insomnia (that deserves a smack, doesn't it?!) but how lovely that someone looks forward to reading my blog. Oh yes, I am making too much of it but I don't care, it cheered me anyway :o)
I caught up with all my blog entries today; I was curious to find a comment on my blog, anonymously left, someone saying they looked forward to my next blog entry and they would see me soon (?). Whoever it was, I would be grateful to know, so I may thank them for reminding me that I had fallen behind with my blog entries :o) And how nice to be reminded that someone actually reads my blog, I believe my personal trainer uses it as a cure for insomnia (that deserves a smack, doesn't it?!) but how lovely that someone looks forward to reading my blog. Oh yes, I am making too much of it but I don't care, it cheered me anyway :o)
Healthier Steps
Monday: Resting after a very pleasing run yesterday. The right foot continues to ache strongly and I have booked an appointment to see the doctor on Thursday. Today was spent mostly cleaning and tidying, with the mil due to arrive this weekend. It was also the other half's birthday, no fuss today, though, as he was working and the trip to the cinema and Nando's a week ago was the treat. I did treat him to an Indian takeaway for dinner and I put aside my healthy eating for the occasion. It tasted okay but not as good as takeaway used to taste. Is this because I am so into healthy eating these days that I can't enjoy junk anymore? I doubt it, get a grip, I tell myself (hehe). It's a good sign though, when your body tells you to eat well, less of a battle like when I went though diets/health kicks in the past, and eating healthily was a struggle, a daily fight. That's not to say I don't eat rubbish at all, I'm just so pleased that I am choosing to eat granola and raisin cereal for breakfast, it's not as if it's being forced on me. My mother is often on the phone, pushing me to have a kind word with my overweight younger brother about his poor dietary habits; I have encouraged him to take up regular exercise, anything, doesn't have to be running, of course. But I can see how he thinks and why thinks that way, not wanting to eat healthily, not wanting to exercise, leading a sedentary lifestyle. It took someone dying to get me to take a long hard look at my weight and lifestyle; I don't know what it will take him to push him into getting fitter, hopefully not the same thing, maybe seeing how happy running makes me might help. I'll be staying with the family again for the Glasgow Half, a race that they both support and don't expect I can do; I have many moments I don't think I can do it either, but then I take it a day at a time when fear strikes. Slow and steady wins the race ;o)
The Darkness Is Coming
Sunday: Third consecutive day of running, not what great trainer wants me to do right now, but that is how it worked out round my life this week. I got out for a run later than usual, after 1pm, once the other half got home from the gym (who is, incidentally, displaying a keener interest in fitness right now). It was drizzly and cold, so I had the long sleeved top on for running. I spent much of yesterday pondering over my past form, all recorded on fetch. I noticed that I have got a lot faster over the months, coming down from 14min miles to my fastest being 9min miles, but at the same time, I am running for shorter periods. For all my intentions to keep it slow and focus on endurance, I haven't kept endurance up with the speed. This was on my mind when I got up to run today. It's so easy to start off fast, and it feels good (temporarily), but I made a real effort to begin nice and very slow today. I felt a lot stronger, I noticed, throughout the run, compared to a week ago, and I wasn't drinking any juice to make me feel like that. I had a great deal of water yesterday, I am sure that contributed to how I felt today. Plus, new motivating music on my mobile helped me a lot through the tough bits. The only area of concern was an ache in my right foot, around the heel/arch area; this has been with me for weeks, possibly months, but it's only been noticeable when I walked barefoot. Today was the first time I felt it during a run, and whilst the ache was bearable, I plan to see the doctor to play it safe, having been advised by fetchies that it may be plantar fasciitis (a common injury). That aside, today was great; I hit the recommended 30mins and felt great, so kept going. This didn't last long (hehe) and I stopped at 36mins 57secs, having covered 3.69miles. Really very pleased with today, this was my longest continuous run in rather a long time. I think I am coming out of the 'dip', I have been feeling stronger in my last few runs and I feel less exhausted in general. Perhaps the post-fatigue from the tonsil infection is finally dying away, helped along by me eating the 'right' things as much as possible. Whatever the reason, I am just relieved I am running better, and I felt a real buzz post-run today. Got to hang onto that thought; my mother in law (mil) is arriving next Sunday, staying for a few months, and whilst she is a lovely person, I am dreading the whole coming-and-going of (certain unwanted) family during this time, as well potential personality clashes. I think I will need my running more than ever, as a way of blowing off steam and as an escape from it all. Who knows, maybe it will get even better - my injured runner friend once, or twice, commented that I was too nice and needed anger to better my running. Does anger or happiness make a better runner? That theory may well be tested vigorously in the months to come.
The Treadmill And Jacuzzi Are A-Calling
Saturday: Great trainer advised a 15min 'hard run' - good gosh, all runs are usually hard for me, I haven't quite got the hang of 'easy, medium, hard' paces, they all feel roughly similar most days. Today was cloudy and wet, a nice change from it being so darned hot. I covered 1.59miles in 15mins 24 secs. It felt like a better run than last time, and I was pleased that I regained a 'normal state' quicker than usual, post-run. I did consider running for a longer period of time though I was all puffed out at hitting 15mins. I thought it best not push harder than what was already rather hard, planning a longer run tomorrow. Hopefully the sun will continue to hide whilst I run. However, that should not be too big a problem for me soon; I received a voucher for a free month's trial at a local gym, which I have signed up for. I have roped a friend into this, someone I was losing touch with, and it will be great to do this with her. Now I know I have verged on snobby in my views about gyms (this is me doing a temporary u-turn) but I concede, a free gym trial is a free gym trial ;o) I have been lured by the air conditioning (woohoo, no sun!) as well as the jacuzzi/sauna facilities. But it is just for a month - I cannot afford long term gym membership, plus I do enjoy running outside. It will be an interesting experience, going back to the treadmill (last tried out over a year ago, more walking than running), as well as trying out the machines that help you tone the bits that need toning, and in my case, that's pretty much all over! First day is Thursday, looking forward to it, though I suspect I won't stop running outside completely; there is good reason we call it the 'great outdoors' :o)
A Little Stronger
Friday: Like the last run, today was a hot day and the Fetch t-shirt got another outing. Having had 3.5 hours' sleep, I decided that porridge was necessary for breakfast. It's growing on me, slowly, or rather, I find it easier to eat if I am reading something at the same time, a little distraction from the taste ;o) Today's run began well, no need for a long warm-up in this hot weather. It got quite tough as it went on, the last 5/6mins being 'gasping' level for me, really pushing me to my limits. The run was supposed to be 30mins long but my absolute limit was 27mins 48secs, covering 2.81miles. I was pleased today not to feel 'wobbly'; post-run, I was exhausted but very happy not to feel faint like I have been doing, I felt a lot stronger today. Later, I received my copy of the Runner's World magazine in the post, something that delighted me, at the risk of sounding like a geek (hehe). But hey, a running geek, I don't mind that really, I'm getting fitter because of running, so it's all good :o)
Unexpected News
Thursday: The plan was to run at the crack of dawn, because although I was supposed to run today, life got in the way (as it always does) and the only opportunity to run was before the school run. However, I switched the alarm off in my sleepiness and forgot all about getting up to run. Those crack of dawn runs back in February feel like a distant memory indeed! I have been napping a lot lately, despite getting enough sleep at night, the feeling of exhaustion is dragging on a bit. There is a lot on my mind plus other commitments that require a lot of my time and effort, so perhaps it is naturally that my running was going to go through a 'dip'. Still, I feel rather bouyed by the Platt Fields 10km, it's definitely given me a mental boost (though it's a physical boost I need more than anything). I heard today that my injured runner friend will need an operation to fix the knee, there is torn cartiledge which needs removing, plus physio :o( I was very sad to hear that an op is needed, really unexpected news because the knee seemed to be progressing very well. However, if that's what is necessary, then that is what is necessary for recovery. I am hoping that the op happens soon, along with the physio, to get my friend back into running action very soon. The plan was to do the Glasgow Half together, but this new development in the recovery process means that might not happen. But I am determined to keep training as best I can, and to keep my friend positive about recovery - I am always saying it, but it really is (scientifically proven to be) true, that negative thinking hampers recovery time. Two months to go yet to the race so every reason to be hopeful; the main thing is that the leg recovers fully, and there will always be other races if the leg needs more time to recover. Injuries are sad, awful things, but the fetch forums remind me that runners bounce back all the time from them, in time, stronger and better for the experience. Positive Mental Attitude indeed :o)
More Hydration, Less Aching
Wednesday: Rest day, as per the official programme. My personal trainer doesn't seem to like me mentioning that I am resting, well, tough, because if the programme says rest, I darned well will ;o) It's a real effort to make sure I am drinking plenty of water and if I want to keep up my new plan of not carrying a drink with me when running, I need to make drinking water a part of my routine. Point of reflection, I notice I don't ache so much anymore, perhaps I am not running enough to ache sufficiently, then again, the 'wobbly-ness' is enough of a hassle to deal with right now. But it feels good that my calves and legs in general don't ache like before, about time the body started to accept it's going to have to run :o)
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