Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Good Start, Bad Finish

Tuesday: The sun was out today and light winds turned strong during my run, causing my earphones to fly about a few times. Despite that, I had a good run, I was satisfied with my breathing and endurance today. Far from perfect but a lot better today. I did the usual two 15 minute runs separated by a 5min walk. I didn't stick to the route I mapped out, there was too much uphill for me, so I amended it as I ran, keeping my fingers crossed that I'd still hit the 4mile target: fetch later informed me I managed 4.77miles in 71mins 15secs. During my cooling down walk, my right calf was very achey to the point of limping so I walked longer than usual, hoping that would help it. I had a bottle of Lucozade with me which was very helpful, though I don't know how long it will take to get used to carrying a bottle. So the day started well, but ended not so well - after the run and a refreshing shower, I started to sneeze and by the end of the day, I was very bunged up with a cold. My nose has been problematic in the past, and I hope this won't exceed the usual 2-3 day period it goes through. Any post running aches I may have cannot be felt as I feel extremely run down and sneeze quite violently. Tomorrow will have to be a rest day, and the next running day, as always, depends on the body getting back to normal. I ended the day critically analysing my performance (though not in the best state of mind to do it, feeling like death) and my online personal trainer has set me a 55min target for the Great Edinbrgh 10km Run, the over optimism of which gave me a restless night. Indeed, this runner has no time to be ill :o)

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