Saturday, June 21, 2008

Trying To Get Back

Wednesday: I had a meeting to make today so being down was not an option. I did the school run and went straight to the meeting, to discuss interview questions for a panel I will be sitting on for recruitment. I got through it with lots of tea, plus it was sitting down, so not too strenuous. When I got home, I was exhausted, walking the shortest of distances leaves me feeling like that at the moment. I managed to get some household chores done, including some gardening and clearing the external drains, accompanied by Lucozade. I am trying to gather up the strength to get back to running, and whilst the throat is getting a lot better with the antibiotics, I don't feel 100% yet.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Still Recuperating

Tuesday: The antibiotics started to make a good difference, as they should when they are being taken an annoying four times a day. The fever is somewhat reduced, the throat is less painful and I am a lot more alert. However, still feeling very rundown, napping a lot and generally recuperating. By evening, I felt a lot more energised and hope to at least tackle the school run tomorrow. The legs have felt very wobbly and I didn't trust myself to drive, but am definitely getting better. Today was difficult on a mental level, I am behind in my running, as great trainer's texts remind me, and I feel the need to be out there, not stuck on the sofa. But, so many have it harder, as I keep reminding myself, this is temporary.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Week 3, And It's The Tonsils

Monday: Bed/sofa rest is not 100% rest if one spends all night on the laptop ;o) I went to sleep incredibly late, thinking I was getting better, ignoring all the aches and pains. Another awful night of tossing and turning, high fever (dripping with sweat, which I didn't think I could do, not in this cold country, in any case). The head ached terribly, surpassed only by a horribly aching throat, I couldn't eat anything because it hurt too much. Finally saw the doctor later (a huge effort to get to the surgery, supported by the other half), and she diagnosed it as a bacterial infection of the tonsils. Thank goodness they don't need removing (my first thought was, how long would an op keep me out of running, lol, I need help...). The doctor prescribed antibiotics and rest. The diet's been mainly warm and pureed cornflakes and tea, the only things that don't hurt my throat on the way down to the stomach. The medicine started to make a difference, I felt less achey. My knees and legs had been aching a lot, and this went down a bit. I was disappointed to get a text from great trainer, reminding me to run. I under trained last week and now am behind again this week. To be honest, I tried not to think about running today, as the thought depressed me. I kept napping when my energy levels were low, and tried to walk when I felt better, my back hurt from lying down for so long. I know I won't run tomorrow but trying just to focus on getting better and watch the Euro Championships, take my mind off it. At least I know what's wrong with me, I've got the medicine so should be fine in a few days. The mind can't help but feel annoyed with the useless body though.

Pants, In The Negative Sense

Sunday: Last night was a later night than planned but all was well when I went to bed; during the night, I was really ill, feverish, in pain, name a part of the body and it was aching :o( When my alarm went off to get up for the race, I was out of it, floppy and ill. I struggled to make the bathroom, feeling the urge to be sick. Around the time I would have been racing for Pants In The Park, I was vomiting and struggling to walk. So a sound decision not to have gone, then... I spent most of the day in bed, took lots of painkillers, assuming it was a 24 hour viral thing, drinking lots of fluids. My son had an on/off fever for days but I doubt I caught it off him, I hadn't had a dodgy takeaway (no takeaways for a while due to training) so not sure what to blame it on. I was really disappointed to miss the race :o( It wasn't so much that I am trying to reach a number of races (this would have been my 5th) but I have grown to love the excitement of racing, and the atmosphere. And this one would have been for charity, a great cause, and a brilliant atmosphere as it was a fun run. But I guess, if you're too ill, then you're too ill, nothing that can be done, just got to get better and plan for the next one. Some other runners have it tougher, harder, and by the evening, though I wasn't 100%, I felt an energy boost, but kept resting to make sure I didn't do too much too soon. Being so ill so suddenly felt awful, and hope it will pass just as quick.