Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Running Obstacles

Tuesday: I was supposed to be up at the crack of dawn, as that was the best chance I had to run, but I overslept by half an hour, which meant it wasn't worth going. This left me very frustrated, I have no-one else to look after the kids during the school holidays, and if I am not careful, this whole week could be wasted with regards to my training. Interestingly, after so many days of not running (let's not count yesterday's terrible attempt), my right calf still aches and requires lots of stretching and massaging. Today ended well, I went out for dinner with an Open University friend I hadn't seen for months. My friend was very supportive of my plans to do the two Great Runs, which I had told her about a couple of weeks ago. She actually said I inspired her to walk more, maybe take up jogging or running, which was pleasing to hear, and rather humbling, that something I did would influence someone in changing their lifestyle. A slightly over-indulgent meal made me feel a little guilty but it made me more determined to get running time completed this week. I plan to try waking up early again, for an early run, fingers crossed I am able to drag myself out of bed at an ungodly hour. I have downloaded music onto my mobile phone especially for running, I have the desire to run, I just need to make the time for it, and not let the obstacles stop me.

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