Friday, March 21, 2008

Positively Persevering

Friday: Feeling positive as I set out for a short run (time constraints), but the run wasn't as great as expected. The sun was incessant, whilst very cold winds blew, my ears freezing into ice. I had Powerade with me again which did help in the short run. I covered 2.53 km in 18mins 6secs. This was a strange run, as I expected to perform for longer after a decent rest. But my body felt heavy and tired today, not helped perhaps by a few hours' sleep, and running felt a real struggle. At least I got some uphill incuded and the main aim is to stay above 15mins, as the program advises. However, my head wants my body to do at least another 40mins this week. I am busy this weekend, as my brother is visiting and we are off to watch a football match on Sunday, plus I need to organise my running around the kids. Today's run was disappointing in some ways but I don't feel as negative as I have been feeling. I think I need to sleep more, get more rest so that the body can recharge. The expectation is that the body should perform a lot better after rest, though my body doesn't always follow this. At least the right calf appears to appreciate the rest, it didn't bother me much today.

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