Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Reluctant Rest Day

Tuesday: As decided yesterday, today was a rest day and time that would have been spent running, was spent on a short nap. There was heavy rain in the city today, and contrary to the view 'a little bit of rain never hurt anyone', it might very well have hurt to run today. However, as the day wore on, I wished deeply I had had a run. I realised today I get a lot out of it emotionally, and taking days off disappoint me tremendously. Today has been another round of plenty of fluids and struggling to keep food down. The lack of food has left me feeling a bit weak, though the coughing is reducing and the throat is definitely improving, slowly but surely. I plan to get back to it tomorrow, even if I have to take it slowly. I went back to the runners world website to remind myself of their advice, and I plan to time myself properly. This week hasn't started brilliantly but I hope to salvage some progress out of it.

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