Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week 1 - Reflection

Sunday: The right leg feels a little stiff, but am surprisingly fine aches-wise. However, I awoke this morning with a bad cough and was barely able to speak. I have since been drinking copious amounts of warm orange juice to clear my throat and chest, which has had some effect. I hope this won't be a problem tomorrow, I am really looking forward to getting back into the running, having felt lazy and sluggish this weekend.
Looking back, I am really pleased with having taken the steps to changing and improving my life. Only one week gone, and already, I feel fitter and more energetic. The runners world website emphasises to take care to prevent injury and this is something I need to focus on, I think I have been lucky so far. Also, I think I just need to keep at the pace I am going, any slower and I'll be disappointed with myself. A great first week for this newbie runner, here's to improvements and major weight loss in the weeks ahead :o)

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