Friday, January 18, 2008

Good Day

Friday: Today was the first time when I sat in the car and seriously considered not running, as it rained heavily. But I pulled myself together, rain is always going to be an issue, and I am glad I got out there. I spent 35 mins in the park, including 6 minutes of initial walking to get me warmed up for running. I spent 5 minutes walking after that to cool down. I do wonder if I am walking too much, however. I was pleased with being able to do lots of 2 minute walks to one minute runs, but I found myself getting tired at the 25 minute mark. I think maybe my body wanted a rest, even though mentally I was quite eager. The rain wasn't too bad and is actually quite refreshing to a hot and sweaty face as the run progresses. I had my 'full gear' today, my hat and earphones are definitely a vital part of my running. It was a very good session for me, I was a little disappointed with my stamina but overall, I had a great time. End of the day, I am feeling strong aches in my right knee and I have an irritating blister on my right foot. Massaging my knee helps but I have no idea about the best treatment for blisters. I assume lots of air would be part of treating it, I'll be checking runners world for advice. All in all, the week didn't begin well, but I think I managed to get a lot out of it as my health improved. The next two days are rest days, and it'll be interesting to see how my body reacts to that.

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