Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back To Running

Friday: Although a walk/run was planned, I had to drag myself out of bed for the school run, and I left the house with no intention or desire to run. But it was driving to school and listening to 'running' music that motivated me to return home after the school run and change for a run. And I am so glad I did. It was very windy today and I had low expectations, this being my first post-tonsil infection run. I didn't carry a drink, I didn't expect to do much. The run was strange in some ways, the legs felt heavier than usual and I felt really slow. It almost didn't feel like I myself was running, as if I was in another body, alien to me. I stumbled now and then, quite awkward in my running style, I felt. But there was a general consistency, nonetheless, and I manged to cover 2.18miles in 23mins 46secs. This was pleasing, doing over 2miles after having not run for a over a week. I've missed training sessions but at least I am getting back to it, got to keep going, and not give up, because sometimes it feels like going on is too hard. But somehow, got to keep focused and determined, not let a few missed runs get me down.

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