Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rest Day and Thoughts of Injury

Tuesday: Due to family commitments, I was unable to run today, though my programme does encourage rest days between training sessions. I feel fine, my right calf still requires lots of stretching and I make sure I am not bending it too much. I missed out on a very sunny day and seeing other runners running is an odd feeling. I actually crave running when I see other runners out and about, which may appear obsessive, but I like to think it's enthusiasm :o) Hope to be out running tomorrow. The discomfort of recent runs is slightly worrying, though it's possible I am overthinking or overanalysing the situation. But I am keen to not let myself slip backwards. With my runner friend having an injured foot, I am aware that the smallest injury could set me back in terms of weeks and so I feel the need to be as fit as possible to cover any loss of training time. I know an injury cannot be fully prepared for, but I think as long as I keep pushing myself to get fitter, a possible injury will worry me less.

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