Friday, February 22, 2008

Rest Day and Delayed Aches

Friday: A rest day and the aches beckoned. I noticed a little tightness in my thighs and did some stretching, which uncovered hidden aches. The usually problematic right calf has been good for a while and still feels okay. More 'running pangs' today, as I was driving, seeing a lot of runners out on the streets, but I am slowly adopting the more mature attitude to resting, as is required of proper runners. I try to keep myself busy on rest days if I can, as non-running days often seem to pale in comparison to running days. At the end of the day, I can report a lot of stretching exercises have been done. I plan on running on at least one day out of the weekend, which is possible through a lot of organisation and making do with a dawn run. Having gone over 5miles last time, my confidence has been boosted, and I hope the body aches remain minor as, though it may sound rather odd, I am actually aching to run now :o)

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