Friday, April 11, 2008

9 Days To Go

Thursday: The sun was out this morning, on a morning I couldn't find my hat. Still quite cold though, which is a good thing, as running makes me hot and sweaty anyway. I had blueberry Ribena in hand today, having felt so thirsty during previous runs, and it tasted rather good. The run began well enough, the body put in a strong effort as some tough uphill was tackled. However, despite the drink helping a lot, the body let me down towards the end, as I got a stich and started to feel faint. I covered 3.41km in 23mins 54secs, a better speed than yesterday's blip performance. I rested on a bench for a while and I was fine, the faintness was possibly just the blood pressure feeling a bit low again, and I topped up my salt levels once I got home. The official training programme requires me to do at least 15mins, I try to aim for 20mins, but I am keen to try and do at least 30mins tomorrow. I am thinking about trying a practice run of the race route tomorrow, I shall see how I feel when I get up. I remembered to apply the calf gel today but I didn't notice how the calf as I was preoccupied with the stich pain and trying to keep my eyes open long enough to finish the run. It was strange carrying a bottle again after a while but it definitely made a positive difference. 9 days to go... no nails bitten (yet).

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