Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rest With Guest

Monday: The guest was due to leave in the evening and I chose not to run, out of good manners. Just as well, though, as my sniffles deteriorated rapidly into sneezing and coughing fits. Though Sunday's run wasn't under actual snowfall, I later took the kids to the park and got caught up in heavy snowfall, which left me shivering all day today. Lots of paracetamol and, once the guest left, putting my feet up and sticking the duvet on my head helped. Deep in thought about the first race as it gets closer, I keep visualising the route in my head (the approximate one I know of) and thinking about how to run it. I'm disappointed not to have bought my training gear yet, it's proving awkward trying to find the time for it, but I am feeling fine about my training progress so far.

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