Monday, May 5, 2008


Saturday: A difficult day in some ways. I had a pre-race jog for 10mins 29 secs,but unable to measure the route due to bad planning. It wasn't a good run, running into dead ends and the mobile dropped on numerous occasions. This was supposed to be my confidence booster run,but obviously it wasn't. I bought a new race top which was over budget but I liked it a lot, and it was a proper running top. Full sleeved, adidas, pink, clima lite race top - it felt good, which was important. Very despondent for friend being unable to race tomorrow, wondering how I would feel if I was in the same position, and the answer is 'impossible to live with'. Nervous about tomorrow, though having a race under my belt helps, as does the thought of doing it in Edinburgh. Had a drive round the course route, which helped my nerves. Nervous about being underprepared for this, but trying to be pragmatic; this is my first 10km so all I can do is give it my best, plus I have another 10km in 2 weeks to improve on the first, learn from mistakes. Feeling a mix of confident and nervous, remembering the first race is not entirely helpful,hope to find some enjoyment doing this one.

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